Okay, good news: my best friend, Valerie, is pregnant!! I am so excited for her! She had a burst ectopic and almost died last year, so this is such a blessing. I am praying for her health and that of the baby's. Bummer news: I am not pregnant this month. I know God's timing is perfect, so we are just waiting for that.
In other news, I picked out a new digital camera...finally!!! It is a Nikon Coolpix S1 and you can look at it here: http://www.nikonusa.com/template.php?cat=1&grp=2&productNr=25529. I am posting a couple of pics I have taken with it. I love that it is quite compact and I can slip it into my pocket and run off to take pictures of the children. It's an amazing camera and can do things I'll probably never do with it, lol! I hope I like it. A few weeks of use and we'll be able to tell. It has a HUGE screen on the back, too.
If I don't get to post until the new year...have a happy one! Our verse for the day was: "A cheerful heart is good medicine." Proverbs 17:22 I am working on getting the littles more into learning the bible. Proverbs is always a good start!