Friday, March 31, 2006

Berry Kix Deficit

Okay, BLAST General Mills from discontinuing the production of their Berry Kix cereal!!!! Tommy LOVES the stuff and for the past couple of weeks we haven't been able to get it, so Stu finally asks at Publix and they say, "Oh, they're not making it anymore." You're kidding, right?!? Children everywhere are weeping and gnashing their teeth (I'm sure). At least mine are! Oh well, we'll just have to find a substitute. They sure were great for keeping baby busy in the high chair.

On another note, my friend Valerie (who is 18 wks pregnant) rented a doppler on my suggestion and is having a blast with it. Now she can check on baby anytime. Modern science is just amazing. She had been worrying. I guess I'm at that stage, too. I'm at the I-feel-better-but-not-looking-pregnant-enough stage. So people of the world are thinking, is she fat or is she pregnant?? BOTH! Hey, I'm happy anyways!

Going to Tampa tomorrow to visit my friend, Celeste. Her daughter, Isabella, turned 5 this week and is having a birthday party. We haven't seen them for over a year, so it's time to go. My Celeste has a mimetime performance at the Spring Arts Fair in the morning and then we'll scoop her up and take off. We haven't been anywhere since Christmas, so it's about time! We'll be in Sarasota for Resurrection Day and we're also planning a beach vacation before the older kids leave for summer. TTFN!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sneak Peek

Well, we got a sneak peek at our little baby this morning. I've been having some issues and we were worried about little one. Jane (my midwife) couldn't pick up a heartbeat with her doppler which is not unusual at almost 12 weeks--plus I have some fluff, so we snuck into the u/s room and took a look. Baby was jumping all over the place. I saw knees and little hands and a beautiful heartbeat. God is good all the time!

On another note, I received my order of Happy Phonics in the mail yesterday. I think this program is going to be great in teaching Max how to read...and Tommy...and baby #6. I have a lot of cutting out to do, but I think that's fun. Celeste is going to help me. We also got a huge world map to hang on the wall. I think I may get it laminated before we do that.

I hope to write again in a couple days. Read John 10:10.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Of pickles and ice cream...

Okay, I have made it to 10 weeks and 1 day already. A small victory for this "tired of this nauseated phase of pregnancy" momma. Please don't take this as a complaint. I am SOOO thankful that I AM sick this time. Everything seems to be just at it should be. Despite 2 migraines in a 24 hour period I am still hanging in there. Even with the hormones, I would have to say I'm less grumpy this pregnancy than I usually am. I'm sure there's a Hallelujah in there from my hubby and kids! So far the only craving I have had has been a "Homewrecker" from Moe's. Well, actually, I got the vegetarian version which is called an "Art Vandalay." It was wonderful going down...we won't talk about later... I have this horrible taste in my mouth most of the time which I try to get rid of by eating various things, only for it to come back moments later. Any previously pregnant women relate??? And now I'm hungry all the time. Not good when you're a little extra fluffly.

I am in the throes of trying to decide on homeschool curriculum for next year. The kids are plugging along with their studies and dreaming of those long summer days. They have been working so diligently that Celeste, Jamie, and Dan will be done with some of their subjects in early April this year. But there is no rest for I have additional studies planned! Max is doing great in K math, but the phonics will take more work. I found a little program called Happy Phonics. It's only $40 and I think we'll buy it and give it a try. It has several games included and I think this is what we need to make it fun!

That's what is going on with us. Stu has been very busy with work and I haven't seen much of him lately. We haven't had a date in so long...but I don't generally feel well in the evening hours, so that's been a little difficult. I'll feel better in a few more weeks...TTFN!