How would you feel if you were put on this crazy diet and told that you were 80 pounds overweight?? Oh, and you're 17+ weeks pregnant...
You may have NO--Cereal, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, beans, cheese, milk, juice, fruit except 1 apple daily, fast food, sweets, sugar, fried foods, mayonnaise, alcohol
You may ONLY EAT this: Egg whites, Oatmeal (PLAIN), Beef (but no sausage or bacon), chicken, fish, shrimp, pork, protein shakes, salad w/ olive oil&vinegar, grean leafy veggies (non-starchy), one apple a day, 500 mg 3x day of calcium, mulitvitamin.
You paid over $500 to see this doctor and have to go back in 2 weeks. I understand a diet to stay off of insulin, but does it need to be this strict. I'm FREAKING OUT!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tommy update
Tommy only threw up about 5 times yesterday. He seems to be acting okay today, but now has some loose diaper issues. We can handle that, but I am praying for a quick recovery and the return of a decent appetite!
New Technology
I am so excited. Stuart just installed my new HP printer/scanner/copier and I was able to print some photos from my digital camera. So much fun!! Also, it prints b&w in record speed! It's the HP PSC 1610. We got a new computer about a month ago and it's amazing how much faster everything is. Fortunately, my older children know how to operate this stuff better than I do--how did that happen?!?
Tomorrow morning I go see the endocrinologist to discuss my gestational diabetes and my thyroid (which is high). I am hoping to stay off of insulin as long as possible. My back-up OB wants me on it, but I'm lobbying for a reprieve at this time. Please pray for me in this regard! My fastings have come down a bit since I upped the Juice Plus. Let's hope that does it! Now that I went to the Chiropracter today I can go for a walk, too. God bless!
Tomorrow morning I go see the endocrinologist to discuss my gestational diabetes and my thyroid (which is high). I am hoping to stay off of insulin as long as possible. My back-up OB wants me on it, but I'm lobbying for a reprieve at this time. Please pray for me in this regard! My fastings have come down a bit since I upped the Juice Plus. Let's hope that does it! Now that I went to the Chiropracter today I can go for a walk, too. God bless!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I'm 17 weeks today, yea!! I have grown a bit over the past few days, so I'm feeling achey. My right hip is noticing it, too! In other news, Celeste and Jamie will be blueberry picking this morning for a friend of mine. Currently it's for money, but in a couple weeks we can go pick for ourselves. Yummy!! It's better to pick in the morning before it gets too hot.
Dan finished his spelling, handwriting, and will be done with his phonics this week. That just leaves math. He's excited! Jamie finished his entire Saxon Math book last week!! ALL 120 lessons and investigations and the tests. I was so proud of him. He's ready for Pre-Algebra--he's so smart it'll be a breeze. Celeste is working hard on her biology, ancient history, etc. She finishes her logic course this week and her English. She has some papers to write and math will be a challenge to finish before she leaves for the summer. She has a FULL LOAD planned for next year.
As I was typing this earlier Tommy threw up on the kid's card game. He has since done it two more times. He must have picked up something in the toddler room at church on Sunday. I am SO MAD!!! He is the one that can't afford to be sick again so soon. Please pray for him!!! I hope no one else gets it. We've had too much of this!!
Dan finished his spelling, handwriting, and will be done with his phonics this week. That just leaves math. He's excited! Jamie finished his entire Saxon Math book last week!! ALL 120 lessons and investigations and the tests. I was so proud of him. He's ready for Pre-Algebra--he's so smart it'll be a breeze. Celeste is working hard on her biology, ancient history, etc. She finishes her logic course this week and her English. She has some papers to write and math will be a challenge to finish before she leaves for the summer. She has a FULL LOAD planned for next year.
As I was typing this earlier Tommy threw up on the kid's card game. He has since done it two more times. He must have picked up something in the toddler room at church on Sunday. I am SO MAD!!! He is the one that can't afford to be sick again so soon. Please pray for him!!! I hope no one else gets it. We've had too much of this!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
When Diamonds AREN'T Your Best Friend
An unwanted visitor--Eastern Diamondback Rattler
Jamie with his kill!
We had an exciting afternoon here at our house! Max found an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake as it slithered onto our back porch. 5 kids were playing in the back yard and they knew what it was right away. After a quick phone call to Stu, we decided to have Jamie kill it. I didn't want it hanging around anyway!! The snake was young with a small rattle and was only about 1 1/2 feet long, but still! I have always warned the children of this, but was hoping we'd never see one. Luckily, it was an educational moment and everyone was safe.
On another note, Tommy has some sort of horrible flu virus. After 13+ hours of throwing up every 20 minutes or so on Sun/Mon, he started running a fever yesterday. He has since stopped puking and is quite puny. We're having a hard time getting him to drink anything. This is supposed to last 3-4 days, so pray he gets over it soon. Plus I was up getting checked out in Labor & Delivery on Sunday evening (when the puking began--poor Celeste) because I was having spotting and crampiness. Everything is fine and baby looks good. I'm 15 weeks today. I just need to take it easy right now. Pray that no one else gets sick! It's supposed to be limited to babies/toddlers. All this and we're taking Spring Break this week. I'm sorry it's a little boring for the children, but such is life! I try to be thankful to God in every situation. God Bless!

Jamie with his kill!

We had an exciting afternoon here at our house! Max found an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake as it slithered onto our back porch. 5 kids were playing in the back yard and they knew what it was right away. After a quick phone call to Stu, we decided to have Jamie kill it. I didn't want it hanging around anyway!! The snake was young with a small rattle and was only about 1 1/2 feet long, but still! I have always warned the children of this, but was hoping we'd never see one. Luckily, it was an educational moment and everyone was safe.
On another note, Tommy has some sort of horrible flu virus. After 13+ hours of throwing up every 20 minutes or so on Sun/Mon, he started running a fever yesterday. He has since stopped puking and is quite puny. We're having a hard time getting him to drink anything. This is supposed to last 3-4 days, so pray he gets over it soon. Plus I was up getting checked out in Labor & Delivery on Sunday evening (when the puking began--poor Celeste) because I was having spotting and crampiness. Everything is fine and baby looks good. I'm 15 weeks today. I just need to take it easy right now. Pray that no one else gets sick! It's supposed to be limited to babies/toddlers. All this and we're taking Spring Break this week. I'm sorry it's a little boring for the children, but such is life! I try to be thankful to God in every situation. God Bless!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Well, if you're anywhere around the news then you know that the FL Gators beat UCLA in the NCAA Championship game that was played Monday night. Go Gators!! The score was 73-57. We don't usually follow sports, but all of us watched the game and it was quite spectacular. It's not every day FL gets this kind of well-earned honor!
In other much more exciting friend, Valerie, went for her ultrasound yesterday. She is 19 weeks along with her 5th baby. Val had a 4D ultrasound and said the baby looked just like her daughter, Rebekah, SO it's a GIRL!! WOOT! I'm so excited for her. This was the tie-breaker. Val has a 9 year old daughter, twin 8 year old boys, and a 5 year old daughter. I can't wait for mine, but it's going to be about 6 more weeks, ACK! I can get 4D, but it costs an additional $150 and we already have to pay for it anyway, so I'm not so sure I'll do that.
Well, I've got 4 baskets of laundry sitting in my room and a child who can't find something to wear. Yes, this is reality. We need to get on top of it. So I'd better go and get kiddos ready and start home school.
In other much more exciting friend, Valerie, went for her ultrasound yesterday. She is 19 weeks along with her 5th baby. Val had a 4D ultrasound and said the baby looked just like her daughter, Rebekah, SO it's a GIRL!! WOOT! I'm so excited for her. This was the tie-breaker. Val has a 9 year old daughter, twin 8 year old boys, and a 5 year old daughter. I can't wait for mine, but it's going to be about 6 more weeks, ACK! I can get 4D, but it costs an additional $150 and we already have to pay for it anyway, so I'm not so sure I'll do that.
Well, I've got 4 baskets of laundry sitting in my room and a child who can't find something to wear. Yes, this is reality. We need to get on top of it. So I'd better go and get kiddos ready and start home school.
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