Thursday, June 29, 2006

26 weeks, 1 day estimate weight 2 lbs., 5 oz.

Kind of down in the dumps again today. I guess it's just a pregnant thing. I am VERY tired. I've been going non-stop for the past several days. My best friend, Val, was here with 3 of her kids and we had a good time. Yesterday I had another ultrasound. We're STILL having a girl. She looked lovely! I'll try to add a picture. I'm doing well with my gestational diabetes. I took a blood test that is supposed to tell you how well your sugars are in control and mine came back NORMAL--ha! Baby is measuring about a week ahead, but I don't have excess amniotic fluid yet and fundus is measuring right on 26 weeks. I can't wait to meet this little girl and I miss my kids that are gone :(!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Misty Oaks Home

Looking into the kitchen from the dining room

Hall bath (would be kids's bath)
Huge Bonus Room (Celeste's room!)
Master bath whirlpool tub and shower
The front...landscaped!
Looking into the kitchen.

This is a home my hubby built. It is on 1 acre and is 2635 Square Feet. It has 4 bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms. It was my "dream home" that I wanted to build when we built the one we have now. (It was too large for our neighborhood.) We call it the Shelby model. Black granite countertops throughout the home. It has a really nice, large laundry room that is not a walk through from the garage--see the little round window on the front of the house. It has that 1/2 bath off the kitchen for dirty kids. The main part of the house is all tile and wood flooring. Enjoy the pictures! We're building it again for a client in Alachua. This one is listed around $410,000. We are part owners in the property and the house. They have been on the market since construction began MANY months ago. We really need this home to sell as we are carrying it. Please pray for the sale of this particular home for us. I know it will be a blessing to someone!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Ice Cream Sundaes

Ahhh, the lure of ice cream. It is a family favorite at all times, but especially on a hot summer day. Last night we went and bought toppings and had homemade sundaes. That was fun for the boys. Of course, we bought Publix vanilla ice cream, Hershey's chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup, gummy bears, chocolate jimmies, and whipped cream. It was fabulous! We'll do it again when my friend comes to visit on Monday!

BTW, Tommy turned 22 months old yesterday. Where does the time go?? I just wish he could talk better. I think that would cut down on the screams of frustration we get frequently. Please pray for me as I select homeschool curriculum for my children for the coming year. I have very high standards and it looks like this is going to be a costly year. Of course, I can reuse curriculum once we own it. Every text doesn't always work for every child, though! Have a blessed week!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Okay, I'm doing a little better the past couple of days. I have just been really down in the dumps with my older children gone. Yesterday I took the little boys to the Gator Dollar store and we got new cap guns, yea! I also went by the driver's license place to get a handbook for Celeste to study. She'll be getting her learner's permit in August--I can't believe it! I KNOW she can't wait! I'll be glad when she's driving because she can help me with errands.

Today we're just working around the house and outside. Just a quiet weekend on tap for us. My best friend, Valerie, is coming to visit on Monday for a couple days. I am REALLY looking forward to that. We'll have 7 kids in the house then as she has 4. She's also pregnant with a little girl and is due 5 weeks before me. My pregnancy is going well and my sugars are doing great!!! Fastings have been in the 80's for a week now...praise God for whatever he's doing there! Have a super weekend!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What to do?

Well, we all just finished breakfast. The boys are playing with some blocks that I bought for the baby. They just kind of took over there. At least I have not heard the tv on all morning. Many times I wish we didn't have one! I believe the tv distracts people from real relationships with their family. Plus it is not conducive to getting any work done around the house.

My big dilemma this summer (for the past 4 days) has been what do to every day. I was going to take the kids to the free movies this week. They start at 9:30. Too early for me this morning. We might go to the dollar store that our friends from church own as an activity today. I don't know. Stu needs to take my truck in to get the brakes fixed. They're squeeking pretty badly. I just know that won't be cheap! Any ideas for keeping a 7, 5, and 21 mo. old busy would be appreciated. My brother has a pool, but none of these children know how to swim, so...I would need a helper there with all of them. Plus, I'm 25 weeks pregnant today and at 38 I think I'm feeling it. She has just been growth spurting lately, so I'm a bit sore. I still just LOVE it! I am very excited about this baby!

I was reading in 1 Peter 2 this morning. Great chapter!!! We are living stones and we need to glorify God in everything we do! I will endeavor to accomplish this today. It takes loads of self control when you've got 3 young boys. Blessings!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bye Bye Guys!

Celeste and Jamie left last Wednesday...sniffle. I have been so busy with little ones that I have not posted since then. Here are a couple pics from the airport that day! We'll take new ones when they come back and see how much they've grown and changed. I LOVE you guys!!! We ALL miss you!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

AHHH! I just created a post and it was all erased...stupid computers.

Jamie and Celeste are leaving tomorrow. Please pray for our family as we go through the changes that this circumstance brings. It's hard on everyone. I'm taking them to the movies today to see CARS if I can get someone to watch Tommy. Also, depends on TS Alberto, but right now it's not raining.

I'm not on insulin yet. I got another month from my last visit to watch my sugars. They seem okay when I'm not cheating ;). I have an ultrasound on 6/28 to check baby size, so we'll see how it goes. I turned 38 last Saturday! It was a good day! Friends from church invited us over for dinner and their boys made me a blueberry pie. It was such a treat! TTFN!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


My very good friend, Jennifer, just had her 7th son!!! Here is a cute picture of him. Please celebrate with us this momentous occasion!

Elias Blaine
8 pounds, 4 ounces
21 inches
June 1st, 2006

Friday, June 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Jamie!

Today is my oldest son's birthday! He was born at 6:31 PM and weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces. He turns 12 today! We named him Clifford James Dailey and called him CJ for several years. In 2nd grade he changed his name to Jamie which is also my younger brother's name. I like it and it fits him. He will be starting 7th grade in the fall. Where does the time go...they grow up so fast. Jamie is a wonderful young man! He is always an encouragement to me and very sweet!! Happy Birthday to a wonderful gift from God!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Just a few things to do today. Well, we found out Celeste and Jamie are not leaving until the 14th of June for St. Louis. I breathe a little sigh of relief that I can spend 2 more weeks with them. They will be gone for 8 weeks.

Today I am getting my hair highlighted. I'm tired of the top being brown and gray. Yes, gray. It makes me feel old and I am very young at heart. Also, I go see my back-up OB to discuss my blood sugars. I'm afraid he wants me on insulin for my fasting sugars. My midwife says she can't see me if I go on insulin....but she can deliver. The past several mornings I've had readings over 100. They're really supposed to be under 95. I am praying for favor this afternoon in this situation. God may have already given me favor by providing such a nice OB to work with. I thank Him for that.

Well, off to get started on my day. Laundry awaits. Cleaning awaits. A screaming baby from the highchair awaits.