Well, we all just finished breakfast. The boys are playing with some blocks that I bought for the baby. They just kind of took over there. At least I have not heard the tv on all morning. Many times I wish we didn't have one! I believe the tv distracts people from real relationships with their family. Plus it is not conducive to getting any work done around the house.
My big dilemma this summer (for the past 4 days) has been what do to every day. I was going to take the kids to the free movies this week. They start at 9:30. Too early for me this morning. We might go to the dollar store that our friends from church own as an activity today. I don't know. Stu needs to take my truck in to get the brakes fixed. They're squeeking pretty badly. I just know that won't be cheap! Any ideas for keeping a 7, 5, and 21 mo. old busy would be appreciated. My brother has a pool, but none of these children know how to swim, so...I would need a helper there with all of them. Plus, I'm 25 weeks pregnant today and at 38 I think I'm feeling it. She has just been growth spurting lately, so I'm a bit sore. I still just LOVE it! I am very excited about this baby!
I was reading in 1 Peter 2 this morning. Great chapter!!! We are living stones and we need to glorify God in everything we do! I will endeavor to accomplish this today. It takes loads of self control when you've got 3 young boys. Blessings!