Well, in the past several days I have managed to get Tommy off the bottle. Hooray! This was no small task for my 22 month old. Like his older sister, he was VERY attached. He may not be getting as much milk, but he seems happy. Another small victory is that I finally got Celeste enrolled at FL Virtual School to take Spanish 1. She is on a waiting list as they form classes. She will have a challenging academic year for 10th grade. I'm sure she will do great! I thank God for both of these little victories.
Nothing much going on here. Dan and Max have a bday party to go to this afternoon. Stu is mowing the lawn. We received some much needed rain the other day, but that makes the grass grow faster. (to the dismay of my husband!) I have had a lot of lower back/tailbone pain the past few days. It is quite hard to deal with...I have some fears as I have over 10 weeks left. I am praying God will be gracious to me, though. So far no insulin. That's a praise report! I guess this body just isn't what it used to be.
I am interested in making homemade bread. You know, grind your wheat, etc. I am going to a bread class next weekend. I hope it helps. When I made it the first time the loaf was quite dense and then my grain got weevils and they spread all over my pantry. Not good for starting out. No wonder it's been many months and I haven't tried again. I would love to make homemade waffles and pancakes from scratch, too! Scrapbooking is going well. I'm almost done with 2005. I hope to be all caught up by the time the baby comes.
Have a blessed day! Read about the Year of Jubilee in Leviticus 25 that proclaims liberty to all the inhabitants of the land.