We just finished a weekend at Camp Kulaqua with 7 Sovereign Grace churches at a conference called Upward '06: Compelled by the Gospel. There was awesome worship, family fun, and some excellent teaching by Danny Jones and Brent Detweiller. I didn't make every session due to a newborn and I spent a lot of time in the nursing mom's room, but I'm going to download the messages. Go to
www.upwardconference.com for this year's messages. In fact, in Saturday morning's message at the very beginning Brent mentions two 12 year old young men. One of them is my son, Jamie! If you are hungry for Gospel truths these will fit the bill.
I put up some pics of the kids. Jamie and Celeste performed with Mimetime, the boys went go-carting, in the springs, Jamie went on the blob, and Eden turned a month old! Now I'm exhausted and will spend the week recovering! God bless you!