Thursday, July 26, 2007
I'm just hanging out biding my time until my family is all together again. Celeste and Jamie will be home in 1 week! Yahoo! (That's what we say in the south when we're excited.) No one has come down with chicken pox yet and it's been 15 days now. I'm still hopeful, though. Also, I have lost 4.5 pounds in the past 3 weeks. Not nearly what I wanted, but it's progress. I had to back off a little bit because my dieting was dinging the milk supply for Eden. Slow and steady will be fine! I don't know how long I'll be nursing. Check back with me when she gets her two front teeth---ahhh! Eden turned 10 months old last Saturday. She is crawling all over the house "combat style." It's very cute! She is still a wonderful baby with an easy temperament. PTL! I'm washing the big kids' bed linens and thinking of this time next week. I've been reading in the book of Job lately. It's good. I need to work on perseverance and patience--especially with my younger children. I'm also thinking about doing some commenting on home school curriculum I have used. When I can formulate some concrete thought one evening, I'll take a stab at it. Toodaloo!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sarasota Trip

It's been a week, but I wanted to post some pics from our trip to Sarasota last week. There are so many! I'll put a few here and here is a link to all the rest. Enjoy!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Of course, life is very busy and time gets away from me. The good news, for me anyway, is that my big kids will be home in 3 weeks! I can make it that long, I suppose! And there's no bad news. Well, other than I exposed my children to chicken pox yesterday. Yes, on purpose. It's so much better to get it young and have a natural immunity. We'll deal with it if it happens. I had them when I was about 9. Weird thing, we were on a family vacation when I came down with them and neither of my 2 brothers got them. And we rode in the car from FL to Iowa together. You never know, do you? Well, we're off to visit my parents for the weekend. My boys are hoping to make it to the beach. I'll try to post pics when we get back. TTFN!
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Here is a picture of me from college. (I'm the one in the flowery dress.) I have a goal to lose weight--10 pounds by the time the kids come home in 3 1/2 weeks. Of course, I have a lot more to lose than that! This is my inspiration. Great picture! Those were the days!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Sometimes you feel like a nut

About a week ago I posted about some of my favorite things. I mentioned boiled peanuts. Well, Stu stopped at a roadside stand yesterday and bought 2 bags of them. Woo hoo! So we ate the first bag up, yum! We're just going to hang around home today. Stu's parents are coming to visit the children. His mother is undergoing chemo. Since everyone is currently well, she can come over. Please pray for her. She is 78 years old and is fighting cancer a second time. Now it's time for me to go feed Eden some breakfast! TTFN!
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