Monday, March 31, 2008
Baby 7 Update
I'm getting close. Last week I was already 1cm and 50 % effaced AND the baby has dropped. I'm having a hard time getting around and I have a cold, so I am really ready to get this over with. I have another appt. on Wednesday. I will be 37 weeks then. I'm hoping it's in the next 7-10 days.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Woo hoo, I just looked at my baby ticker up there. Getting close, I am. I'm thinking about 2 1/2 more weeks (hoping less). I still have a very small belly button, so there's a little more room.
Tonight the boys are at baseball practice. Stu is an Asst. Coach for their league this year. Dan and Max are on the same team--thank goodness. They have 2 practices and 2 games this week. Busy! I'll probably make only 1 game. They have a 7:00 game on Friday and I just don't feel the greatest by the end of the day. I'll have to go on Saturday to their game!
Anyway, just checking in. Celeste is overnight at her best friend's house. She's working on a research paper for ENC1101. She's doing very well in the class, yay! Jamie has guitar tomorrow. They have a recital in April. There is so much in April that my mind in swimming...AND I'm having a baby. Aaahhh!
Tonight the boys are at baseball practice. Stu is an Asst. Coach for their league this year. Dan and Max are on the same team--thank goodness. They have 2 practices and 2 games this week. Busy! I'll probably make only 1 game. They have a 7:00 game on Friday and I just don't feel the greatest by the end of the day. I'll have to go on Saturday to their game!
Anyway, just checking in. Celeste is overnight at her best friend's house. She's working on a research paper for ENC1101. She's doing very well in the class, yay! Jamie has guitar tomorrow. They have a recital in April. There is so much in April that my mind in swimming...AND I'm having a baby. Aaahhh!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Here are a few Easter pictures of us. Just click on the link!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
35 week check

We went in for our 35 week check up today. I had a Non-Stress Test today where they hook me up to the baby monitors and watch contractions, baby heart rate, and I push I button every time he moves. All looked great! I lost 2.5 pounds this week, but now I'm measuring 43 (fundus) and I'm 35 weeks, 1 day. I'm supposed to take it easy because I'm so big I'm in danger of preterm labor. Guess what that is (center, left) in the ultrasound photo above. My OB thought he was SO funny! Hint: It's a package with two parts. I am thinking his name will be Joshua Ezekiel. Joshua means--Christ is my salvation. Ezekiel means--whom the Lord makes strong.
The kids had their homeschool evaluations this week. Of course, all did great! We need to work on some more phonics with Max in the area of special sounds and Celeste needs to brush up on some of her computation skills. Dan (who is a 3rd grader) tested on a 6th grade math level. We'll probably use a 5th grade curriculum next year. All in all, I was told I am doing an excellent job and am very organized. Big sigh of relief here! It's been a year!
Friday, March 14, 2008
34 week baby update

Here is another ultrasound picture of our sweet little boy. (I don't get tired of them!) He had really fat little cheeks. My amniotic fluid levels are down into the normal range. The baby is in the 80th percentile with an estimated weight of 5 pounds, 14 ounces. That's a big baby, at this point. Of course, we know they can be off on that! I am measuring 41 weeks (fundal height), but am 34 weeks, 1 day. Please pray for a safe, regular birth for this big guy. I'm very worried about a lot of things right now...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I have been dealing with some illness (and other weirdness) around here the past few days. Eden ran a fever from Sunday afternoon until early this morning. No other symptoms, but it did get over 103. Just a virus. On Monday, I took Tommy in to our pediatrician because his left ear was swollen 3 times normal size and purple. (The picture above is after a dose of benadryl and it looked a lot better!) We are guessing he got a bug bite of some sort and just used allergy medicine and cream on it. I have had a headache for the past 3 days. I suppose it's pregnancy hormones, but it's not fun. Both the littles are better today and my headache is slightly better right now.
My brother is moving to Dallas tomorrow. My 13 yo nephew broke his arm yesterday and my 10 yo nephew gets his cast off today from a broken arm. Whew! Please pray for safe travel for them.
Monday, March 03, 2008
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