Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Home School Field Trip on a Cold Day!

All 5 of my younger children at Dudley Farm


Double trouble!

Max, Joshua, and Tommy work the water pump.
A full bucket of water weighed 16 pounds!

Max does laundry the hard way.

Little E sitting pretty

Thanksgiving 2011

For Thanksgiving this year our family traveled to my hometown of Sarasota, FL, to visit with my parents.  In the past 21 years of my life I have only made Thanksgiving dinner twice.  I know.  I'm spoiled!!  For years we had my brother down the road or visited with my parents.  Next year I plan to do it up at home!  (Just so you know.)  My younger brother, Jamie, came and spent two nights with us, as well.  We all really enjoyed his company!  While we were there we visited one of our favorite places, Mote Marine Laboratory.  Here are some photos from our visit...

Me, Jamie, and my Dad frying the turkey

Dan and Max get friendly with sea life at Mote

Goofing around at home

What Joshua did while we ate Thanksgiving Dinner...

Saying "hello" to Mr. Shark!

Love this one of Buffet looking at Eden & Tommy!

Tommy with "Squishy" the Loggerhead Turtle

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why I Have a Large Family

I am a mother of 8 children.  I have had 5 boys and 3 girls.  (Our youngest daughter, Kara Faith, born last year is in Heaven.)  Since I have a large family, I am used to those comments you get in the grocery store or when we're out and about.  You know the ones. People say things like, "Don't you know what causes that?  Glad it's you and not me!  You have your hands full. Are they all yours?!"  In my head I am thinking, "Yes, we know what causes it and we like it...  I'm glad it's me and not you because people who don't want this many children shouldn't have them.  Better to have my hands full than empty.  No, they're not all mine.  I borrowed some of the neighbors kids just for giggles."  Even though I have these "not so nice" thoughts I don't usually voice them.  So in all seriousness, no matter what is said,  I usually beam and proudly announce that they're all mine.

So recently I got the question, "Why did you decide to have so many children?"  That is a great question!  There are several reasons I have a large family.

~  I love babies!  I really do!  After I get over the initial 14-18 weeks of nausea, I really enjoy my pregnancies.    I love the feeling of new life moving inside.  There truly is nothing like it and it's nothing short of a miracle.

~ I believe strongly in the sanctity of life.  My Christian beliefs quickly brought me to the point where I realized that I could not, in good conscience, use chemical means of birth control.  Most women do not understand that the Pill and the IUD are abortifacient in nature. Life begins at conception.  The Pill and the IUD work to prevent implantation in the event a pregnancy occurs.  Most doctors won't tell you this and the companies who produce these contraceptives don't openly advertise it.  If you don't believe me, just look it up.

~ I believe children are a blessing from God.  Yes, I did say that!  The Bible says this best in the Psalms.

Psalm 127 says that, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are children in one's youth.  Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them!"  

And Psalm 139 states, "For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb.  I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well."  

In addition, I will state that all children are a blessing.  This includes children born with different abilities.  I love this quote from John Piper's blog:  

Our culture’s strange ‘ownership’ of the unborn child grants parents the ability to rid themselves of the burden (which seems all too real and overwhelming) even if they underestimate the potential for joy (which doesn’t seem possible in that moment). So the answer is not merely in pointing out the joy, but reminding everyone that children — all children — are a blessing from God. 
Because God is both sovereign and good, we can rest in the full confidence of his character and promises as we parent our children, no matter how they come. Disability is frequently hard, but God does not abandon us. And not only are we not alone, but God has promised to supply every need (Philippians 4:19 ). His plan is to benefit us (Jeremiah 29:11 ). He will comfort us (Psalm 71:20-21 ). Jesus himself has sent the Helper (John 14:16-17 ). The Church will encourage us (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ).

~ There are benefits to having a large family.  The children always have someone to play with.  They are rarely "bored." My children are seldom lonely.  Family events tend to be more fun with a larger number of people.  Every night can be a slumber party! I believe having a large family keeps my focus off myself and on more important things.  There is not a lot of "down" time and human nature tends toward the selfish bent, so being busy is a good thing!

There is more to add, but I'll speak a little about me.  Did I always want a large family?  No, I didn't.  I originally thought I'd have 3 kids by the time I was 30.  I always wanted to be a stay-at-home mother.  Life circumstances happened and I was divorced with 2 small children in my 20's.  Thankfully, I met a man who was a Christian and desired more children.  God has always been bigger than any plans I would have made for my life.  Even when I have messed up, He has had the grace to bless me beyond measure.  

In all, I have had 10 pregnancies.  I have miscarried 2 babies. Also, our sweet baby, Kara Faith, lived 7 weeks last year.  She had a condition called Holoprosencephaly (HPE).  You can read the story of her life and God's faithfulness.  Please look in the sidebar for her link.  

In closing I would like to say that living with a large family causes us to depend more fully on God and His promises. I desire to honor Him in the choices I have made in regards to the size of my family and how they are educated; you see, we homeschool.  If the chief end of man is to glorify God, then I daily endeavor to do that.  I am an imperfect person, a sinner.  Jesus' sacrifice gives me the grace to love, minister to, and be thankful for my family every day.  I am so thankful for my family, the children God has given me: Celeste, Jamie, Dan, Max, Tommy, Eden, Joshua, and our baby in Heaven, Kara Faith.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fun Geography for Kids!

As many of you know, we are homeschooling our kids.  This is our 12th year!  The following two geography helps are great for any child.  

1.  For years we have had a U.S. place mat on the kitchen table.  It finally kicked the bucket recently.  I ordered a new one from Amazon and it is really nice!!  Every home should have one of these.  We reference it ALL the time!

United States Place mat by M. Ruskin available at

2.  This summer I finally purchased an iPod Touch.  I think my children get to use it more than I do!  There are so many really cool apps for it and many are free.  Originally, I downloaded the Stack the States Lite app, but for $0.99 it is positively worth the asking price to buy the full version!  This app asks all types of questions about our 50 states.  All of my children ages 5-12 love playing it.  The younger ones get help from older siblings.  

Stack the States available at  iTunes

I hope your family has fun with these great geography ideas!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Recently, Jamie (17), came for a month-long visit.  We had a good time together.  A few of the things we enjoyed this month were Moe's, coffee, BBQ, pizza, church, music, and friends.  Jamie really brightens up my life when he's around.  Here are some pictures from his visit...

Goofing around with big brother

6 of my great kids!

Jamie on Dylan's shoulders trying to get a picture of the group.

Pizza with Joshua (& Mom) at Villaggio's

I will miss you over the next 5 months...  And I love you, Jamie!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's a dog's life...

I don't normally blog about my dog, but he is like one of our children, so here goes!  We own a long-legged, black & white Jack Russell Terrier.  His name is Chipper and he is 13 years old.  Chipper has tons of personality and was quite crazy in his younger years.  There is never a shadow or reflection he doesn't chase.  He tries to eat the vacuum cleaner every time we pull it out.  He barks when you pull out the pots and pans from the cabinet.  (It is like he is trying to protect me from them, lol!)  Our neighbors have a Rottweiler that must weigh a gazillion pounds.  Chipper barks and tries to go after it, as if he is a big dog himself.

Celeste has been telling us that Chipper is going to die for the past 2 years.  It is kind of a running joke between us.  Chipper has really slowed down over the past 6 months.  We noticed his hearing is going.  We will come home from being out and he won't even hear us.  You can sneak up on him and surprise him now.  (That is sometimes a lot of fun!)  I do know one thing.  We will all miss him when he's gone...  God blessed us with a fun companion for all of these years!

I got Chipper for my 30th birthday from a local woman who shows Jack Russell Terriers.  My daughter, Celeste, and my younger brother, Jamie both own JRT's.  Celeste owns a 2 year old named Jack.  Jamie has an older JRT named Timmy.  Both of these dogs were from rescue programs and they are great pets.  Please consider adopting from a rescue program.  Jacks are great, energetic pets and extremely loyal to their owners.

Jack Russell Rescue
Florida Jack Russell Rescue

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


In May we completed our 11th year of homeschooling!  Yay!

Celeste left a few days ago.  She was here for a 2 week visit.  I really enjoyed seeing her and spending time with her!  We even got in a very quick trip to Sarasota to see her grandparents.  Eden came along so that we could spend some "girl time" together. Celeste is doing very well in college.  She is taking summer classes and was accepted to Southern Illinois University for the fall semester.  She is very homesick for Florida and her friends.  Having her here and spending fun time together reminded me of how much we enjoy each other's company.  Here are a few pictures from our trip...
                                                   Celeste & Pipa out on the boat
                                                             Celeste at Turtle Beach

                                                        Mommy & Eden @ Turtle


Currently, we are experiencing the hottest June in years.  Most days the temperature is 94-97 degrees.  Whew!  In just a few minutes we are going to head over to swim at Grandpa's pool.  Dan and Max swim well and taught themselves.  I am hoping Tommy and Eden will be swimming on their own by the end of the summer.

Today we went to our local library and signed up for the summer reading program.  The kids can't wait to earn free Taco Bell, McDonalds, Moe's, and a book from Barnes & Noble.  They all love to read.  Our library website is fantastic and recently I figured out how to download eBooks to my Nook.  That is quite neat!

Jamie arrives in 2 weeks and will be staying with us for a month.  I can't wait to see him!  I wonder if he is taller?  What are your plans this summer?  I would love to hear from you in my comments.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mom's Day 2011: And then there were 5...

We celebrated Mother's Day this weekend and it was the first year I didn't have all of the children home.  Celeste and Jamie have always been with me on Mother's Day, so I really missed them.  They made a cute little YouTube video for me and they recorded a song they did.  I haven't heard it yet.  They are such much fun!

The kids gave me some yummy bath gel and fragrance from Bath & Body Works.  I smell like fruit and the beach now.  In the morning, we went to church and had fried chicken for lunch.  A great Mom's Day treat was the 1/2 price Java Chip Frappuccino from Starbucks I enjoyed.  Yummy!  Then we took the kids swimming at Grandpa's pool and I read a book.  In the evening, a young man we know came over and played with the kids while Stu and I spent a couple hours away together.  I would say it was a GREAT day for me.  I always try to take pictures with the kids on Mother's Day, so here are a few we did.

           Dan (12), Max (10), Tommy (6), Eden (4), & Joshua (3)
Like in a yearbook...
Not pictured here:  Celeste(19) and Jamie(16)

Happy Mother's day to me!

In closing, I just want to say that most people who knew me when I was young would never have thought that I would have 8 children.  I never saw it myself!  God can do great things in our lives when we are willing to have faith and listen as He leads.  On this Mother's Day I not only missed Celeste and Jamie, but my sweet baby, Kara Faith, as well.  (Kara would have been 16 months old today.)  My assurance of seeing her again some day is my joy.  God bless mothers everywhere!

"Let your father and mother be glad; let her who bore you rejoice."  Proverbs 23:25

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Family Update

I hope everyone had a wonderful Resurrection Day this year!  This is the most significant holiday for our family as it reminds us that we WILL see our Kara Faith again.  Jesus Christ made this possible when He died for our sins on the cross.  I think I missed church for the 1st time ever on Easter Sunday due to children with the stomach flu.  Last Friday through this Monday we have had 3 children sick off and on.  Max and Eden have not come down with it yet!

I am so excited that Celeste will be flying in on May 20th for a 2 week visit with us.  I have missed her greatly and we all look forward to her being home again!  Celeste is doing well in college in Illinois.  She has been accepted to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville for the fall semester.  Please pray for her as she has struggled with her JRA, vision problems, and shingles for the past several months.  She appears to be feeling better lately.  Celeste has been singing at her church and is now writing songs with her brother, Jamie.

                                                                        Celeste, 19

Jamie is doing an excellent job at his new high school.  He took his lovely girlfriend, Amanda, to Prom a couple weeks ago.  He is supposed to be spending the month of July with us and I can't wait!!!  I miss his funny disposition, helpful attitude, and interesting stories.  He turns 17 in about a month.  Where does the time go?
                                                      Amanda & Jamie ready for Prom

In the past few months we have had several birthdays.  Max turned 10 in February, Dan turned 12 in early April, and Joshua turned 3 about 10 days ago.  (Stu had a birthday, too, but he's not telling his age.  Haha!)  Dan, Max, and Tommy are playing baseball this year.  This has kept us quite busy!!  They are on three different teams.  Tommy is really enjoying his first year playing T-ball.  Dan is in his 5th year playing for our small town and Max is in his 3rd year.
                                                                Max, before the game
                                                                   Dan in the dugout

                                                                  Tommy warms up!

Eden is in worship dance and ballet this year.  She just loves to dance!  I have really been tickled to have a little girl to do "girlie" things with again.  It makes me miss Celeste and our Kara a little less.  I am thankful God gave me the blessing of Eden.  Eden will begin kindergarten with our homeschool this fall!!  She is the 6th child I have homeschooled and she is looking forward to it.

                                                                Our sweet Eden Joy

Joshua just turned 3 and is my youngest boy to potty train.  He was out of diapers about a week before his birthday.  I figured that I have had kids in diapers for a total of 17 years, so this is a major milestone for me.  It is kind of sad not to have a baby in the house anymore, though.  Joshua is the sweetest little guy!  He is very funny and had a laid back personality.  He really reminds me of Jamie when he was little.

                                                                       Joshua, age 3