As many of you know, we are homeschooling our kids. This is our 12th year! The following two geography helps are great for any child.
1. For years we have had a U.S. place mat on the kitchen table. It finally kicked the bucket recently. I ordered a new one from Amazon and it is really nice!! Every home should have one of these. We reference it ALL the time!
United States Place mat by M. Ruskin available at |
2. This summer I finally purchased an iPod Touch. I think my children get to use it more than I do! There are so many really cool apps for it and many are free. Originally, I downloaded the Stack the States Lite app, but for $0.99 it is positively worth the asking price to buy the full version! This app asks all types of questions about our 50 states. All of my children ages 5-12 love playing it. The younger ones get help from older siblings.
Stack the States available at iTunes
I hope your family has fun with these great geography ideas!