Friday, December 30, 2005

Stuff of the Day

Okay, good news: my best friend, Valerie, is pregnant!! I am so excited for her! She had a burst ectopic and almost died last year, so this is such a blessing. I am praying for her health and that of the baby's. Bummer news: I am not pregnant this month. I know God's timing is perfect, so we are just waiting for that.

In other news, I picked out a new digital camera...finally!!! It is a Nikon Coolpix S1 and you can look at it here: I am posting a couple of pics I have taken with it. I love that it is quite compact and I can slip it into my pocket and run off to take pictures of the children. It's an amazing camera and can do things I'll probably never do with it, lol! I hope I like it. A few weeks of use and we'll be able to tell. It has a HUGE screen on the back, too.

If I don't get to post until the new year...have a happy one! Our verse for the day was: "A cheerful heart is good medicine." Proverbs 17:22 I am working on getting the littles more into learning the bible. Proverbs is always a good start!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The best Christmas gifts

Sorry I haven't posted. I've been very busy and out of town! What an interesting Christmas this year. I received 2 digital cameras! I am an avid scrapbooker and my 35mm broke a couple of years ago. I have been using those throw aways and couldn't decide what to get to replace them with. My hubby and my dad bought me a digital. We are taking both back and I will pick one out. Making decisions like that never comes easy for me. I'm a details person which can be a drawback. Also, in other news, I got to spend Christmas with my younger brother, Jamie, this year. A rarity for sure. I only saw him one other time this year and that was in July. Enclosed is a picture of us. I believe he's the one on the right. My older brother, Ed, is on the left. I feel blessed!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Busy little hands

As I type this post, my 16 month old son, Tommy, is swinging his arms back and forth and clasping his hands while he stands in front of our recently decorated Christmas tree. Danny, Max, and I finally decorated it this morning during Tommy's nap. We also hung the stockings on the wall. Gotta love those command 3M thingys! Anyway, it's amazing how much better our old tree looks when it's decorated. I had really worried about putting up the tree this year. It's a bit of work with the baby. Every time he reaches for an ornament or pulls one off he gets a, "No, may not!" It seems to be working because he doesn't know what to do with those little hands now. In a few years, I will have lots to keep those little hands busy! I feel blessed today!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Battle is in the mind

During the message on Sunday our pastor reminded us that the battle we fight day to day is in the mind. I can most assuredly agree with that as I experience the loneliness and frustration that has come with this particular Christmas season. Rather than spend this whole blog telling you about it, I chose to focus on what Phil said. Since the battlefield is in the mind we must put on the helmet of salvation. Preach the Good News to yourself every day. Remember the Grace you have received from Jesus and share it with others. While you're at it, read the book of James. It's one of my favorites and I find it encouraging. That's what you'll find me doing when Tommy lays down for a nap. Also, focus on this:

"But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for ALL the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11

Let us thank Him every day that this life isn't all he has for us. That our salvation is sealed and we will live forever with Him. Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

When Elves Take Hostages

My children are leaving....sniff...sniff. Here's what Celeste, 14, did to Jamie, 11, last night. I will miss them for 17 days!! I love you guys!

Prayer Requests

Hello! Yes, I know it's been about a week since I posted. We have been unbelievably busy with the children going to events this week. We had a caregroup Christmas party, we watched our friend's 20 month old (they were in labor with their 2nd child), Jamie went to a boy scout holiday party, the older kids had a church youth Christmas party, we went to my brother's to open gifts with the olders and ride the horse, and we've had friends over galore! Meanwhile, I've been busy Christmas shopping and running errands with the children. Jamie and Celeste leave tomorrow morning at 3:30 AM to catch a flight to St. Louis. In addition, we have our church Christmas party on Sunday evening, yea! Please pray for the following:

--Stu's safe travel as he takes Jamie and Celeste to Orlando tomorrow
--the Beck's new baby boy, Caleb, and his mommy's quick recovery from C-section
--my mother is currently living in a hospital and needs a place to live (special circumstances)
--Stu's mom, Sara, recovering from surgery at Thanksgivingtime
--healing for my friend, Charity, who hurt her neck and back in a car accident last week

Also, pray that we will take time to focus on the REAL meaning for this season...Jesus birth. Without this we would not have our salvation. Praise God for his many blessings!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Getting started

Okay, today I got started on some Christmas shopping. It wasn't too bad, but then I ventured out in the morning. Everything is not so safely "hidden" in our closet. I wonder if I have to resort to hiding things in the attic. I was pretty bad as a younger brother and I would carefully unwrap things and then just to get a peek. What was that all about? I think encouragement from my siblings goaded me on! Hopefully, no one here will want to ruin their surprise. I LOVE surprises....and presents. I love giving them and I love receiving them.

I have to type this fast because the 3 older boys are playing outside. It's the nicest day we've had this week and it's quite overcast. Tommy is in his high chair having a snack and watching me type. That won't last long. It's going to be a challenge without my big helpers for 17 days! I can do it. Other people do and I did it all summer long. I just love my children! I enjoy playing games with them. Did I say I took Celeste to see Pride & Prejudice. I enjoy taking them to the movies, out to lunch, and shopping. ALL of them. It gets a little hectic sometimes, but it's worth it and better than being alone. Have a super weekend!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Much ado about something

Thursday greets me with rain, but not in my soul. My heart is light for I have had a wonderful week already. What a wonderful anniversary Stu and I had! Today the children and I will be baking cookies and Nancy's Apple Bread for our caregroup Christmas party this evening. With all of the rain, I'm sure the bonfire is out, but I am looking forward to the fellowship just the same.

Since I home school, we are on an abbreviated schedule this week and will be concluding our studies for the calendar year tomorrow. Celeste has been working hard because she is in high school now. I am proud of her. She may continue with math into next week, but otherwise I am on vacation for 3 weeks. Jamie and Celeste leave next Thursday evening for St. Louis. Their flight leaves Orlando on Friday morning. I will miss them a lot! But I know they will have such a wonderful time with their family in the midwest. Meanwhile, we will try to make the most of Christmas without them. Which reminds me...I need to gather a few gifts here soon! As I really only have a couple. Please pray for Stu's business. We are in specific need for his Beacon Hill project to close--this depends on good weather which we are not having today. I still praise His holy name for He has kept us in good care!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6

Blessed be His holy name!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Happy Anniversary!

Today is my 8th wedding Anniversary! It seems like longer...but in a good way. Just ask either of us and we'll tell you that. Stuart Bradley Palmer married Nancy Jean Van Winkle on December 6th, 1997 at 2:00PM. Believe me, I remember a magical and blessed day. I stayed at the Magnolia Plantation Bed & Breakfast the night before my wedding. What a beautiful place...and so romantic! Check it out at Stu and I spent our honeymoon night there. And so did the maid of honor, Celeste Rodgriguez, and the best man, Brian Caffee, and my bridesmaid ,Laura Mosimann, and her fiancee, Jasper. I have so many wonderful memories. I LOVED the cake--it was delicious AND beautiful. You know how you're supposed to save the cake and eat it on your first anniversary? Well, it was so good that we ate it just a few days after the wedding!! Stu gave me a beautiful ring. The marquise I had always wanted (but much bigger!) with sapphires and diamonds on the wedding band portion. What a wonderful thing to have a wedding at Christmas. It truly was one of my best days! It reminds me of how thankful I am for Stuart. He is very dedicated to me (and our children), loyal, and hardworking. He has provided for me to stay at home with the children and supports my idea of home schooling them. He honors me in my choices when it comes to planning our family. I am so fortunate! God has truly blessed me over the 8+ years.

Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

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Monday, December 05, 2005

Sugarcane Fest at Dudley Farm

On Saturday we went to the Dudley Farm which is a state park about 3 miles from our home. We had always wondered what they had there. It's an 1880's working farm that has been restored and is 325 acres. They had a sugarcane festival there. The kids got to see them grinding the cane to make juice and then boiling it to make syrup. They had all sorts of old timey things there. How about doing your wash in wooden buckets? Or spinning wool into thread to make things. Anyway, it was a good time. The weather was great and all of us enjoyed being outside. Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Experimental Christmas Pic

I thought I'd show you a couple more cute pics. I tried to take a pic of the kids for Christmas card, but the resolution on the camera was too low. This is what we got. They're really cute even if it's not perfect!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

New Graphics

I am so excited! I got a new signature tag (many thanks to Becky!!). It's actually my first one. The rub now is trying to figure out how to use it, lol! I'm a computer ignoramous at times. I'm trying, though. We've had a busy day! Celeste performed with MimeTime for the pastor's luncheon. I'll try to get a picture up for that. Tommy had a well check. He weighed 24 pounds, 2 ounces (45%) and he was 32 1/2 inches long (90%). Lean and mean baby...healthy, too.

Now off to figure out dinner and get ready for Jamie's guitar lesson/care group this evening...

Monday, November 28, 2005


I don't have a link to Above Rubies. Well, it's encouragement for Christian mothers around the world and you can visit their site at

Rain, Rain go away...faster

Well, we spent most of the day under a layer of clouds. Some were heavy at times and there was thunder and lightning. We need the rain. And I am encouraged that cooler weather is marching in, yea! I remember being so afraid of thunderstorms as a child that I would hide under my brother's bed and sleep there at times. The only one of my children that's timid about storms is Max and he's nowhere near what I was. I think the dog doesn't like storms...especially loud thunder.

The older kids went to the dentist today and passed with flying colors. No cavities! The good news--they're saying Jamie is not going to need braces for spacing. We might want to correct his bite in a couple of years. We'll probably do that, but I've got a couple of years. Just when Celeste starts driving...Oh wait, she gets her permit next July/August. That's only 7-8 months away! Actually, I'll be glad that she can help me with errands and I won't have to pick her up everywhere. I might miss that, too, though.

December is quickly approaching...only 2 more days. I love the Christmas season, but I don't like the craziness of it. Jamie and Celeste will be visiting in St. Louis over Christmas for 2 weeks. I don't like these years...they make me sad. BUT I'm going to try not to react that way this year. I've got 3 cute little boys here and we'll have a jumble of fun. I think we'll do some baking together. They would love that! We might go to Sarasota, too. I just don't know yet.

I'm so excited!! I got my Above Rubies magazine in the mail today--I actually received two! Check out my link...and have a Terrific Tuesday!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

And so another holiday comes to an end...

Well, our four day vacation is almost over. I'm thinking about doing the home school schedule when Celeste informs me that I've got to take her and Jamie to the dentist for a cleaning tomorrow. I sure am glad someone knows what's going on! I forgot. Nothing new for a mommy of 5. I think I will settle in for a little couch time with my hubby. There's been a Bond-a-thon running on Spike network. We kind of like the stuff blowing up movies!

I am going to try to slow the pace of this Christmas season. I don't know if it'll work. I want to focus on Christ more than the commercial aspects of it. Hey, I really haven't even started Christmas shopping yet. And I'm still debating on that tree thing--ya know, the 15 month old? I am currently reading Humility by C.J. Mahaney. You can find it at He is one of the leaders of Sovereign Grace Ministries. I belong to a Sovereign Grace Church. God has given C.J. much wisdom. I would do well to follow his lessons on humility, especially during this holiday season. Have a peaceful night!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

I know it's been a couple of days since the big event, but it has taken me this long to have the time to sit down and tell you about it. We had 5 families from our church get together. We met at our church property. There were 26 of us with 15 children and 11 adults. The food was great! I especially liked: Chris Spencer's homemade apple pie (wow!) and turkey, Lettie's mashed potatoes, Charity's yummy carrots, and Jenn Beck's sweet potato casserole. I'm stuffed just thinking about it. I was exhausted after running around with Tommy during the with a little toddler is fun and interesting. I try to remind myself that this time will slip away before I know it. I am sure it was much easier when I was 24 (with Celeste)! Speaking of Celeste, there are a couple pics of her in the bunch I will post with this--look for the cute 14 year-old. I hope your Thanksgiving was just as blessed as mine!

Now we are really looking forward to Christmas! Celeste and I hung lights on the front porch and I think they look spectacular. I'll have to blog some pics, too! Enjoy this blessed season!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Thanksgiving is just 2 days away. I better get busy on the menu items I'm responsible for! I was just thinking about what I am thankful for. Here's a few:

~crunchy little baby diaper bottoms...and toes
~my husband
~all of my children...Celeste, Jamie, Danny, Max, and Tommy
~the beautiful "new" home I live in
~my suburban
~Jesus' sacrifice for ME and YOU
~today's colder weather :)
~my church
~all of my church friends (Hi Charity and Lettie!)
~the fact that I live in the USA and I can home school my children
~my older brother (who took good care of me when I needed it)
~my younger brother, Jamie (I don't see him near enough)
~my parents
~Stu's parents :)

That's all for the moment. Take some time to think about what you're thankful for and share it over your Thanksgiving dinner. Many blessings!

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess. 5:16-18

Monday, November 21, 2005

Bible tip of the "day"

Have you ever read the book of Colossians? It's quite short at only four chapters. Chapter 3 was quite an eye opener. It gives instructions as to how we are to live and deal with one another. I will not quote them here because I want you to go dig your bible out and read it for yourself. Let's just say they are simply stated. That's why we depend on the grace of God to lead us in applying them. Now go get your bible...go on heard me!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Let's go for a walk

Over the past 2+ months I have started exercising. I see it as an issue of health. I want to be healthy whenever we are blessed with another pregnancy and I want to be around to experience my grandchildren and beyond. I know I need to lose weight, but I thought I would first start with the fitness thing. (It's kind of hard to think about losing weight when you're hoping to get pregnant.) I have been using Leslie Sansone's walking program. She has 1 mile, 2 mile, and a 3 mile walk on DVD and VHS. It uses hand weights, too. I usually do the 1 mile b/c the 2 mile kicks my butt. Also, I have been taking walks in the neighborhood with my boys during the morning. It's about 1.3 miles on the loop that I do. I have been very consistent in doing this at least 3 times per week--sometimes as much as 5 times per week. Haven't lost any weight yet, but I have been sleeping very well.

Any ideas to combat the late night snack attack? Many nights around 10:30 or so you can find us eating sushi, chips & salsa, or ice cream. If I stopped that, maybe I would lose weight, lol! Or how about snack ideas that are healthy.

Meanwhile I will trust God to take care of me and direct my ways...especially in how to care for my body, His temple.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Great Day!

Today is a great day. Why? Well, I always liked Wednesdays...they're just, well, encouraging. We're halfway through the week and it's all downhill from here. Also, Wednesday night is the only night we don't have something going on during the week. There's nowhere to rush to, yea!
Also, I am going to get a pedicure this afternoon. I've been waiting to do it for 3 months. After last week, I decided to take a little "mommy time" every week. It will make me a better mother. This is what I need. I tend to take care of others needs first.

We are planning a very exciting Thanksgiving dinner with some friends from church. We're going to have at least 4 families, so far. My Dad and brother, Jamie, are in Costa Rica until early December, so I thought we'd do this. I enjoy the fellowship. I can't believe it's this time of year already. It's been a fast year. We've almost been in our "new" home for 1 year (Dec. 11th will be a year). It's been wonderful and hard all at the same time...take a few minutes to reflect on the past year. What has God taught you this year? How have you grown? What might you do for next year to cultivate your relationship with Jesus more? I am thinking on these things.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Check out my new banner, woo-hoo! Kudos go out to Becky Perry who collaborated with me and did the design! You can reach her at if you'd like to have her work with your blog, too. Thanks Becky!

Just a "quiet" day here. Everyone voted for chicken and rice tonight. It's a favorite around here now. Here's the recipe:

1 rotisserie chicken from Publix
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 can of milk
brown rice

Rip up the chicken and place it over the cooked brown rice. Season if desired. Combine soup and milk and pour it over chicken and rice. Bake at 350 degrees for half an hour. Yummy!

Celeste has 180 tonight. That's youth group for 7-12th grade. They've been talking about biblical friendship. Many adults could take a lesson in this! Parents are encouraged to attend with their teens. I may go this evening just for a break from home. It's fun to hang out with those wacky teens!

Hey, I'm supposed to get my hair high-lighted on Thursday. Since I am growing it out and I don't want it to look too damaged, what do you think about me coloring more to my natural color? Or should I just let it go natural...getting more gray every day!

His mercies are new every morning!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Challie's giveaway

I receive mail from a Christian website and they are having a free giveaway. To enter you can use the following information: go to and look for the November giveaway!

They are a great resource. I heard about a deal on a trugrip bible. It's a very small ESV version and it's great for keeping in the car. I use it for reference all the time and it even has a small concordance in the back!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Slumber Party!

You know what was fun when you were a kid? Having a friend or friends overnight. Celeste is at a slumber bday party this evening. Jamie is having two friends who are brothers overnight tonight as well. I look forward to playing games (mostly playstation) and movies. Oh, and don't forget the junk food! I bought ice cream and we could do smores again tonight.

So why don't you invite your best buddies over and have a spend the night? Come on, really!! As adults we should at least kick back and enjoy each other every now and again. I hope you have a super Saturday night! I know I will, even if it is with a bunch of preteen boys!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Friday!

Here comes the weekend...we took off from home schooling today due to Veteran's Day. We all went and ran errands. I got a new belt for the vacuum cleaner and we'll see if it works, yea! This afternoon Celeste is babysitting for the Beck's little girl, Hannah. We rented Herbie Fully Loaded, so tonight we'll make it a family night and have pizza, a movie, and Stu promised the boys smores. Tomorrow we have no plans, although Stu has to go in to work for a bit (as usual--just thankful he has a good job!). Sunday we have church, we're going to a baptism, and I have a baby shower, too! Busy Sunday :).

I'm currently working on adding neat little things to my blog, so be on the lookout for that. I added my picture, but it was fuzzy, so I have to work on that this weekend. Hope everyone's weekend is fantabulous! Here's a song on my heart and my lips today:

Lord I lift your name on high
Lord I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us

You came from heaven to earth to show the way
From the earth to the cross my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky
Lord I lift Your name on high!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pure Joy

Today was one of those days that I'd rather forget. At least the first 2/3 of it anyway! As adults it is important that we show patience and have self control. I did a very good job of that today except for the fact that it was like a bomb went of silently inside of me. Not good! Just a lot to take care of and things just seem to keep going wrong. Here's a silly list:

-LARGE repair on "new" suburban
-a vacuum cleaner that doesn't clean despite several attempts to fix it
-a stereo receiver that doesn't work anymore (no more jazz during dinner)
-my son broke the cdrom on our computer today (last year he killed the whole computer)
-bickering children
-a cooler with yucky water dumped over in the back of my it stinks!

Anyway, moms just need time to themselves now and again. I haven't gotten enough of that recently, thus the implosion. But God, as usual, is merciful. He gave me this verse:

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:2-5

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This is interesting!

You have the Reynolds girl look. Reynolds girls had
the typical British beauty. The eighteenth
century British portrait painters would have
been attracted by your brilliant complexion and
your classical features. Sir Joshua Reynolds
loved to paint girls like you in white dresses
with blue satin sashes. Reynolds and other
portrait painters of his time also portrayed
blue eyed, dark-haired girls, and golden-haired
ones too, plus the occasional red-head. The
following painters would have painted you; Sir
Joshua Reynolds and Sir Thomas Lawrence.

'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You?
brought to you by

Such is Life

I write to you while the baby is crying from his johnny jump up. So this will be quick. Yes, I haven't posted in awhile. I have been ill for the last several days with some sort of flu thing. 2 of my sons had it, but theirs was much more short-lived. I'm having "fun" trying to juggle everything in my life right now.

It is very important to me to have something to look forward to. What am I looking forward to in the next couple of months?

-My anniversary on the 6th of December
-Beacon Hill closing so we don't have to worry about money
-The AGCC Christmas Party in Dec.--My favorite, a night out with my hubby!!!!
-Christmas, BUT I really hate when the older kids are gone to St. Louis :(

Ask yourself what you look forward to...but always remember to stand on God's promises!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Children's funnies and other musings

Okay, where have I been....busy with life, I guess. I have a funny for you...

Dan goes outside yesterday by himself to swing. A few seconds later he comes back in and says its too hot out there. (It was about 83 degrees...that's not bad considering what it's been.) Then Max says, "Mommy, I know why God made the that we wouldn't be cold." Priceless!

Also, I got my Vision Forum 2006 catalog on Friday. There are so many great resources I want from it. Check out their website at They have neat thing for little boys and girls, too. They are all about equipping the family to live a biblically Christian life in the world today. Good stuff!

Please pray for those in the path of hurricane Wilma. This includes my Dad who lives in Sarasota and also my brother, Jamie, who lives in Stuart, FL--near Lake Okeechobee. Jamie got hit hard last year and his roof has never been completely repaired. Let's pray it holds together! He returned from Costa Rica to care for his house during this thing. We stocked up on some things in case the forecast changed. This neighborhood had no power for about 6 days during one of the storms last year. I am hoping that won't happen again soon.

My older brother is turning 40 on Friday! I am working on something special for him that money can't buy. In case he lurks here I can't say what it is ;). I am looking forward to going to his party!! Adults only...most of them cops.

Have a blessed Sunday!

"but that that wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Gray Day

Ever notice how a gray day can dampen your spirit? Today is just such a day. Not much going on here. It seems like the kids are bickering a little too much lately. Most of it centers around the 4 and 6 year old. The baby is so sweet right now :). I wish they could all be that way!

I am taking Dan to get his hair cut this afternoon and while we are out we're going to run a couple errands. I figure this will be easier with just one child. I call it "stealing time." By the way, we just got the mail. There are 10 pieces--all but one looks like junk. I guess we call that a good day b/c there's no bills, hooray!

A friend is coming over later to visit. I look forward to that...

Have a good day even if it is gray!

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


There are lots of things to hope for and here are a few on my mind today:

-I hope I can survive Algebra 1 with my daughter!
-I hope that God graces us with another pregnancy soon and it's a girl. (This month would be good and a boy would be okay, too!)
-I hope that as my 4 and 6 year old sons get older they won't argue so much.
-I hope my husband can have peace and happiness--along with lowering his cholesterol and reducing stress.
-I hope that God gives me strength to survive homeschooling b/c I am NOT liking it right now.
-I hope my children grow in faith and have a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.
-I hope that business goes well enough to support our family. I am trusting God for this, but it's really hard not to worry!
-I hope the dog dies a natural death soon.
-I hope all the kids love each other and have close relationships all of their lives.
-I hope Stu and I will have time alone together to talk about "real" stuff.

Lastly, I have hope in Jesus Christ. All the things in this world should not be so important. I am asking God today to help me focus on His Word and what it says I should do and not what the world says or what my friends and neighbors are doing. (I've been in a funk for awhile and it's wearing on me.)

"For in this hope we are saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:24

Monday, October 10, 2005

Here is a neat quiz!

I don't even know if this will work...I guess I need someone else to manage my blog, eh?

You Are Romans
You are Romans.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Back to basics

This week I "won" 2 things on ebay that I have been wanting for over a year. I got a K-tec Champ 2000 mixer and a grain mill. The plan is to make healthy bread and other recipes using this item. I have been very convicted over the past 2 years plus to clean up my act regarding eating habits/health. It has really helped me and my daughter (who is now off of meds for her juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, yea!). I have a good friend that makes her own bread and my children talk about how awesome it is. I can't wait to join the ranks!

It's off to church in a bit here. Hopefully, we won't be late and we'll all get along before we get there if you know what I mean ;).

"I will praise Him for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14

Friday, October 07, 2005

Local Holidays

Most towns don't have a local holiday, but ours does. For all of the Gator fans today is a local holiday. ALL of the schools are off today for a parade and a typically wild pep rally called Gator Growl. This is homecoming weekend. We will be trying to avoid the main part of town as thousands of alumni and college students swarm there to party.

In addition, my parents are coming for a day visit. My daughter is looking forward to shopping with her grandmother--we call her Mima. This is her yearly shopping trip for her birthday. It's good that it's happening today after the bird incident yesterday. I am hoping it will serve to cheer her up. Along with my parents, my brother and his family will be coming over for dinner and we'll have take out from Backyard BBQ. No cooking and no dishes. Now that's something I can get excited about!

Have a super Friday!

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1: 9

Test Blog

Test blog--I just spent 1/2 hour composing today's blog and lost it. Definitely a fitting end to one of those days...

Trainwrecked afternoon that was supposed to be mom's time for herself. Jack Russell hunts one recently purchased parakeet and wins. Teenage daughter loses and ALL are quite distraught. Dinner out with hubby CANCELLED due to unforeseen events. What do we do with disappointment? Take it to the Lord in prayer and praise Him for his wonderful works.

"Let me live that I may praise You..." Psalm 119:175