Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Such is Life

I write to you while the baby is crying from his johnny jump up. So this will be quick. Yes, I haven't posted in awhile. I have been ill for the last several days with some sort of flu thing. 2 of my sons had it, but theirs was much more short-lived. I'm having "fun" trying to juggle everything in my life right now.

It is very important to me to have something to look forward to. What am I looking forward to in the next couple of months?

-My anniversary on the 6th of December
-Beacon Hill closing so we don't have to worry about money
-The AGCC Christmas Party in Dec.--My favorite, a night out with my hubby!!!!
-Christmas, BUT I really hate when the older kids are gone to St. Louis :(

Ask yourself what you look forward to...but always remember to stand on God's promises!

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