Here is the most recent u/s picture of baby Eden. She was looking quite chunky on the screen today. She sure has a cute nose and some plump looking lips. Her head was something like 35 cm...I just don't even want to think about that. The estimated weight for today was 8 pounds, 11 ounces. The midwife felt around and felt she was closer to 8 pounds, so I'm hoping for a baby that's under 9 pounds this time. We'll see! The u/s tech showed me where she had some cute hair fuzz on her head, so she has some, but it didn't look like much. I was only dilated 1 cm today :(. Baby is high. BUT a lot can happen in the next 8 days before I get induced! We are very excited!!
The ladies from church threw me a baby shower last night. It was lovely. The cake had a cute little baby in the center of it. There was yummy fruit salad, little quiches, dip, cheese, roll-ups, and delicious punch. I feel very loved! Thank you ladies! Eden got LOTS of clothes. So much pink. She better be a girl!!
Already Eden is beautiful. Did you see that cute little button nose?
awww. she is going to be soo cute just like her mommy and sister! i can not wait to see her! i know celeste and i are going to spoil her! :) hope you are feeling good.
love you
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