Friday, December 15, 2006


God has given me the grace to:

>Mother 6 children even though I don't know how I get through the day and do anything right. He always fixes it up for me.

>Run on little sleep and enjoy my new precious daughter, Eden, who is currently getting quite plump. What a gift He has given me in nursing her longer than any other baby.

>Recognize a good man when I see one. Stuart is a dedicated, hard-working husband and father.

>Be open to His plans for me...even though I have no clue how things will work out.

>Find contentment in the little things--at least I have a messy house. It's much better than being alone and a whole lot more fun!

>Remember, it's all just "stuff" anyway. You can't take it with you when you die and you won't care when you're in the presence of your Savior. Amen!

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