Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's A-Comin'

Happy New Year's Eve! I trust 2008 will be an exciting year. I don't do resolutions, but I do like to look ahead and think about my goals for the year. This year, well, it's anyone's guess. It will be interesting with a new baby in the house and all the goings on!

Today Eden went for a 15 month check-up. She's having trouble switching to milk--runny stools and bad diaper rash. We've got her up to 1/2 milk and 1/2 formula. That's really the only reason I went in. I think well check-ups are just a money grab and are for administering vaccines (which we don't get). We weigh her at home. I'll probably skip the 18 month check unless I can't figure something out... Anyway, our pediatrician (who I love) suggested lactaid milk. We'll try it. I am thinking it's probably less costly than formula. Eden weighed 21 pounds (30%) and was 31 inches tall (75%!). She's tall and skinny. She still looks like a peanut! Tommy and Eden got a play kitchen for Christmas. The picture above is them having fun with it!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I posted an article on the dangers of the new HPV vaccine being marketed to girls. Please make sure you read it here.

We're having a lazy Saturday. I just finished up lunch with the kids and we'll probably go out and run a couple errands this afternoon. Celeste and Jamie come home in a week. I am missing them. It sure is cold up there! The past 2 days it has been in the 80's here. Not winter weather if you ask me!

I don't do resolutions, but I am thinking about goal setting for the year just so I have an idea what I want to accomplish in 2008. With a new baby coming, I will try to be kind and grace filled in my aspirations. Have a super weekend!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baby Boy Palmer 23 weeks

Baby Boy Palmer 23 weeks
Originally uploaded by N Palmer

Today we had another ultrasound to look at the baby's heart. Praise the Lord everything looks fine! He is SO cute with his little hand up to his mouth. Also, that sweet little nose looks just like Tommy's. I can't wait to meet him in April!

My Favorite Math Curriculum

Three years ago I was at the end of my rope. My daughter had tried 3 different Algebra 1 texts with lots of confusion and frustration. Finally, I asked the MOMYS what curriculum they would recommend. Many kind ladies highly recommended Teaching Textbooks. This has been a lifesaver for us. We have used Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry texts from this company. The fabulous thing: you don't have to remember how to teach upper level math, this program does it for you! Each level consists of a lesson book, answer key with test booklet, CD's that include course lectures on each topic and solutions for practice, homework, and test questions. This curriculum is designed for the independent learner, and so, functions like a tutor for your student. Each lesson includes previous material so that the student is reviewing previously learned concepts. This increases concept retention.

In format and method, Teaching Textbooks is very similar to Saxon Math. I believe it explains this upper level material more clearly than Saxon. Your children will enjoy the funny illustrations and word problems. Also, Teaching Textbooks is geared toward homeschoolers and Saxon is not. We have only found one weakness in Teaching Textbooks. If you are a Saxon user, you are familiar with each homework question having a lesson number in parenthesis out to the side which refers you back to the lesson where the problem was taught. TT does not have this and it would helpful if it did. What do the kids like best? My 13 year old, when asked, says he prefers Teaching Textbooks. Both of my teens have a B+ or better math average. Also, Celeste passed into college level math and begins this January. This is enough testimony for me!

FYI, we use A Beka workbooks for grades Kindergarten thru 2nd grade, Saxon for the middle years, and Teaching Textbooks for the upper grades. TT has just come out with lower level math texts and we may be looking into switching over to those, too! It is an investment, but I figure that I have so many children coming up from behind that these books will pay for themselves. Also, resale is almost full price when in good condition. I hope this review was helpful to you! Happy New Year coming up!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve!

I am home sick with a stomach virus and very sad to be missing a family Christmas dinner. (Yes, if you hear weeping and knashing of teeth, it's me.) I hope to be better by tomorrow as I've been sick 3 days now.

Here's a link to a fun party we had the other day when I was feeling okay!

Friday, December 21, 2007


I think you will be interested in this topic even if you don't home educate your children. Do you believe the government has the right to tell you how to educate your children? There are so many choices out there today: public school, private school (Christian or otherwise), charter schools, online education, and home schooling. I am a member of a group called MOMYS (Mothers of Many Young Siblings). In the past through this group, I have personally been in contact with a nice mother and fellow homeschooler, Denise Mafi. Please read this article defining her plight as a home schooling parent in Utah. Note that she thought she was in compliance with Utah's laws regarding homeschool documentation.

I belong to Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). If you look at this map, you will see how the regulations differ from state to state regarding homeschooling. FL is considered a moderate regulation state. If you home educate I encourage you to join HSLDA. For a reasonable fee, they will represent you should you encounter problems relating to your choice to homeschool your children. I feel very strongly about not educating my children in the public schools. This is mostly for religious reasons, but I feel strongly about the state's agenda in the public schools as well. For the most part, it is a liberal environment that is hostile to Christians. Not for me and not for my kids! Unfortunately, when my children hit the college level they will be attending state schools. At the point that they do, I believe their Christian beliefs are solid and they will be able to refute any liberal bias that is thrown at them. And I will pray, pray, and pray some more.

As always, my advice is to be informed. Arm yourself with information and make your own decisions. Don't let the government do it for you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I needed a laugh. It's the first day I'm without my big kids (Celeste and Jamie). Go to this link to see a very funny video...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Here's a couple pictures from the church Christmas party we attended last week. Our good friends, Teri & Dan Garard, are with us in one of them. It was a fun time! I hope I look pregnant and not just fat!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday musings

It's going to get a bit colder here for a few days. I anxiously await this development as it was in the mid-80's yesterday. This is December?!? Send some frost our way...bring it on!

I just posted an article about childhood arthritis and vaccines at His Healthy Child. This subject hits home as my oldest daughter suffers from JRA. Currently, she is not taking any prescription meds for her condition. We are praising the Lord for her good health over the past couple of years. She still has to watch her diet, but hopefully she can continue without the use of pharmaceutical intervention.

By the way, Eden is now spending the majority of her time walking! It's so strange and funny to see this little tiny person round the corner standing up. She is so cute and looks like a cross between Frankenstein and someone who's tipsy. At 14 months, she only weighs 20 pounds. She's our petite little wonder.

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's Beginning to feel like Christmas...

Hey everyone! We finally decorated the tree today. Yes, I think I can say that this is the latest we've ever done that. I let the kids do it all and I just watched. I enjoy watching them have fun. I won't mention the arguing over ornament placement that went on ;). Eden has stolen so many ornaments off the tree at this point that it's quite comical. We'll just put them back on later. Since we live in FL and don't have a fireplace, where do you hang the stockings? I just love the Command Performance hooks. The stockings are hanging on the wall in the foyer thanks to this wonderful invention. I took a picture just for fun to share with you.

Also, I would like to recommend an excellent book on children's health. I think it is out of print now, but can be found. When I bought mine it was about $20. Here it is: Take Charge of Your Child's Health by George Wootan, M.D.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Vaccine Awareness

Since 2003 I have been researching the subject of vaccines and their affect on health. My oldest child, Celeste, has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis which was diagnosed at age 3. Jamie, my second child, had allergy induced asthma for years and it made for many sleepless nights. Dan, my third child, had a 180 degree personality change after receiving the MMR vaccine. (Needless to say, we didn't get the booster at age 5!) I recently came across an article that I saved awhile ago. It is very clear reading and puts forth a different vaccine schedule than the CDC or your state might. I want everyone to be aware that most states have exemptions for vaccines due to medical, religious, and philosophical beliefs on the part of the parents. Think about it, does the government have the right to tell us what to put into our children's bodies? If your pediatrician is not friendly to a different vaccine schedule, or perhaps, no vaccines at all, then I suggest you find another pediatrician. FYI, my two youngest children are not vaccinated at all and have been the healthiest children thus far. Arm yourself. Don't just do what the government or the doctors say is best. Be informed.

Here is the article: A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule.

I have recently received information regarding the HPV vaccine (Don't give this one to your girls ever!) and meningitis vaccine. I will try to get that info up. I have the HPV info in email format and am trying to figure out the best way to post it as it is long.

P.S. I decide to create a blog that includes vaccine information so that everything will be in one place. Hopefully, I will find the time to work on it over coming days. It's in my sidebar.

Yummy Christmas Recipe

Looking Towards Heaven is hosting a Holiday Par-tay today! I thought I would participate by putting a recipe all the kids love below. If you like Rice Krispie Treats, you'll like this! This is a recipe my mother made when I was growing up. I have never seen it at another party all my life.


1 stick butter
30 lg. marshmallows
1/2 tsp. green food coloring (add as much as you like to achieve desired color)
4 1/2 c. cornflakes
1/3 c. red cinnamon candies

Melt butter in saucepan on low heat. As the butter begins to melt, add the marshmallows. Stir constantly. Add the green food coloring when the marshmallows are mostly melted. Stir until melted. Turn off heat. Add cornflakes and stir until they are coated. Drop a spoonful of cornflakes on waxed paper and press 3 red cinnamon candies on each cluster. Let dry about one hour. Eat them up, yum!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Today it's off for a little Christmas shopping. I feel like I have done a lot, but when you have 6 children to buy for it can be overwhelming. Each child will receive 3 gifts and some stocking stuffers, so that's 18 gifts + a few little ones. It's interesting, because a couple of them haven't been able to give me many ideas. It's nice that they're not so caught up in the stuff (I only have 1 who is, really). I love giving and receiving gifts. This makes Christmas fun, but I don't like how commercialized it is. Jesus is the real reason we are to celebrate this season. Let us not forget to focus on that!

Jamie and Celeste will be leaving for St. Louis in just over a week. They will be gone 19 days. Please pray for me as I am pregnant and not used to caring for 4 children under 8 all by myself. I'm having a hard time carrying the baby (Eden). My right hip has been giving me trouble, so I'm trying not to pick her up. She is only walking about 20% of the time, so that makes this difficult. It's hard for the rest of us when our whole family isn't together during Christmas. The little boys really miss their big brother and sister. I am praying for safe travels and that Jamie and Celeste enjoy their family in St. Louis.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

An early anniversary gift

Stuart and I celebrate 10 years on Thursday. I really wanted to surprise him this year with a special picture of us, but I decided it would be more special if we did a family portrait because we've never had one done. (So it wasn't a surprise.) We'll have to do another after the baby comes, too. Here are the pictures I chose. Yay, I think they turned out great! This is one great anniversary gift. We are SO blessed. Thank you, Jesus!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Welcome to December!

This morning we had whole wheat banana pancakes. (I may have posted this before, but go here for the recipe.) They are so good that if you close your eyes you can imagine being in some fancy restaurant for breakfast. I do grind my own grain which makes them that much better, but store-bought whole wheat should work fine. They're best when the bananas are very ripe. By the way, Hillbilly Housewife is an excellent site to learn how to save money on groceries and lots of other neat tips. One of my favorites!

I had a great time scrap booking last night! I finished Eden's book up through Christmas last year...okay, now she's 3 months old in her album. The goal is to get it up-to-date before the baby comes. I don't know how it happened, but I'm a year behind in scrap booking right now. Ahhhh!

Today we're going to attempt to get some Christmas decorations and lights up on the house. Our eaves are so high that we need a special ladder. We'll try to borrow it from friends today. I don't know that I will put the tree up this weekend because of Eden. I foresee a tree with ornaments only on the top half, ha! This evening I am going to a "girls" party. The late teens/young 20's girls at our church want to mentor the 10-18 set, so they're having a little event. Moms are invited, too! It's at a farm and there will be a bonfire, so it should be a fun night out.

Notice my new banner? Many thanks to my 16yo daughter, Celeste, for creating a new December banner for me!

Monday, November 26, 2007


IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I've never been so surprised! I was just so sure... As soon as the ultrasound tech put the scanner on my tummy we saw it--the package. Now I have to think up cute boy names. I would really like a bible name with good meaning. Any ideas? I have more phone calls to make. I feel so blessed!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope yours is a very blessed day with family and friends! We are meeting at my older brother's (Ed) home which is closeby. It will by my whole family (including my little brother, Jamie, who I hardly get to see), my sister-in-law's family, and Stu's parents. Ed is moving to Dallas in the spring, so we thought we'd do this special. I'm looking forward to a fun day. Now I need to get cooking and cleaning!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Eden's First Steps

Eden took her first steps to Celeste last night. Stuart and I were at a party and we missed it! I still haven't seen her walk more than 3 steps. Here is video to prove that she can really do it! The girls took the video and I got to see my baby's first steps on facebook at the party we were attending. Who can say that?!?

Monday, November 12, 2007

It's Veterans Day! On a holiday, we awoke to the DHL guy on the doorstep with the doppler I rented, yay! I got it from Baby Beat. Today I am 16 weeks, 5 days pregnant and we heard baby's heartbeat for the first time. What an amazing blessing! Stu did the honors and called all the children in to hear baby's heartbeat, too. Tommy seems to be the most interested and is always asking me if the baby is awake. He's so cute! Ultrasound in two weeks. I am feeling very blessed.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Ad nauseum

The past several days I have been suffering from some pretty significant nausea. It seemed to get worse over the past week or so. I am 16 weeks pregnant tomorrow and am just puzzled by this. You know how they say that every pregnancy is different? It's true. Although, with my other 2 girlie pregnancies I had nausea much longer than the boys. By 14 weeks with the boys it was over. So...I am thinking this is a girl again. I think that would be fun, but am not sure which I prefer. I guess at this point it doesn't matter. I didn't have a sister at all, so it would be nice for Eden to have a baby sis close to her age. I think there will be a lot of fighting between the two because they are close. We'll just see! Today I am taking vitamin B6 and going to get a sea band so that maybe that will help me. Here's to hoping!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

We don't normally celebrate Halloween. I have some serious problems with this "holiday" that so many find fun. However, our family group from church handed out candy to neighborhood kids with a really nice tract attached (Jesus message). We went and cooked out. The theme was Gator fan spirit, so most of us had our Gator attire on. A couple of my kids wanted to play dress up, so they did that. Charity made up candy bags for the kids, so they would have some goodies, too! Enjoy the pics!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday has been a migraine disaster. I awoke with a very achy neck and quite of bit of nausea. Being pregnant, I chalked it up to that. Wrong! It will be all better soon...cornbread is in the oven courtesy of Jamie. Yay! Celeste is doing a parking lesson with Stu because we're finally going to take her to get her license soon--cost of insurance aside. I'm tired of Celeste or Jamie getting stuck places because they don't have the car keys. Enough said and now it's time to go lay down again.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Felicities

~pita chips and hummus dip
~fall in the air
~the first time you hear your baby's heartbeat
~home baked treats
~a drive in the country
~fuzzy baby heads
~a good card game with friends
We're off to the doctors for our second baby visit. We should hear a great heartbeat today! I'm excited and will enjoy a "mommy" break. Have a super weekend!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just life Wednesday

No major announcements here or anything. We all had a good time at Celebration this weekend. There were some amazing messages given by our very talented SG pastors. You can check them out here. The Saturday and Sunday morning sessions were my favorites!

I am finally feeling a bit better. I even made pancakes for breakfast today! We just ground some grain to make homemade rolls for this evening's dinner. I hope they turn out okay! Celeste is going to make them for us. It's 2 in the afternoon and I need to go get a shower. I've been lazy today doing stuff around the house. Also, Tommy is running a fever. A sure bet that he probably caught something from being around all the children this weekend at Celebration. Oh well! Enjoy the pics from the weekend!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A busy week

We are having a busy week here, although abbreviated in the homeschool area. This week is Celebration north for about 7 Sovereign Grace Churches, so we will be attending Thursday-Sunday. It is close to our home, so we won't be staying at the camp where it's held, but it should be fun with lots of worship, good teaching, go carts, blobbing, and food. 1 more day of homeschool and then the fun begins!

I added a picture of Celeste and her friend, Karyn. They went to a 16th bday 50's sock hop last Saturday. Karyn's Mom made the skirts for the girls. So fun!

Friday, October 12, 2007

A Taste of Fall

Ahh, today it is absolutely beautiful here! The low last night was 51 degrees...Woo Hoo! All my children are proudly wearing jeans today. The high is 81. I can live with that. I really love the fall weather. It puts a new spring in my step. I got out for a little while to get Jamie's hair cut (we couldn't tell who he was anymore) and to run some errands. The birds will be happy because I bought a 20 pound bag of seed from my favorite specialty bird store. I just love the feeders we have in the backyard. There's always an interesting group of birds stopping by. If you don't have a feeder, then I suggest you get one. I really enjoyed the hummingbirds this year, too. Evidently, they flew south for the winter and will be back in hoo.

Tonight we go over to Grandma and Grandpa Palmers for dinner. It's been forever since we have done that! I look forward to a family evening. They will be moving into a new condo soon, so we will enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas in their new digs. I posted a pic of Eden who fell asleep in her high chair this morning. So cute!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Today, I am taking dinner to a good friend of mine, Chris, who had her 7th baby about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I am very excited to go see her newest addition--a little boy named Toby. Chris has 2 daughters and 5 sons now. Actually, Jamie, my 13 year old, is making the dinner. He's making Cheesy Mostaciolli for our family as well as theirs. Ahh, having teens is such a wonderful thing. Jamie has been making dinner most nights as I still don't feel well a lot. I will be 12 weeks tomorrow, so I think relief may be in sight....hopefully!

The other day I was thinking how I don't blog as much anymore. I just don't have a lot to say. I don't want to seem like I'm complaining, but my life is rather uneventful. I'm wondering if the hormones of pregnancy have me a bit depressed. Home schooling is rather challenging and I feel overwhelmed on occasion. Stu and I are really needing more time alone, but with 6+ children that rarely happens. I'm kind of feeling like I've lost myself. (I tend to feel that way during pregnancy.) So if any of you has a clear thought, please send it my way!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Sickies and hair cuts

We are just sick, sick, sick around here. I am sick to my stomach...due to sweet peanut growing inside. Eden has/had a croup virus that made her very ill over the weekend and she also has an ear infection now. Tommy now has what Eden had. It's ugly! I think I'm over all the snot, coughing, fevers, late nights, etc. But as a Mom I persevere for it will all be over eventually. I did get out of the house for a little bit this afternoon. I treated myself to a pedicure. I REALLY needed that!

On Sunday Stuart cut Tommy's hair for the first time. It wasn't just a trim. He really cut it ALL off! Tommy wanted it that way, but Tommy doesn't even look like himself anymore. It will take some getting used to--that's for sure!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Eden's First Birthday (Yesterday)

Eden Joy turned 1 yesterday! I can't believe it has already been a full year. She is such a joy to be around. Eden has a very even temperament and is such a good baby. She isn't walking quite yet, but is pulling up and cruising the furniture. It was a fun night! We had Stu's parents over and we made lasagna and cupcakes. Check out more pictures here. Go to this page for a full story of her birth and pictures from a year ago.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Just call me a blog slacker. As you now know, I am pregnant. Consequently, I am feeling cruddy most of every day. I didn't even get on the computer yesterday! Weird, I know. I have my first official OB appointment on Friday. The unique thing about that is that it's Eden's first birthday, too! Since I had the emergency c section last time, I have to see the doctor--no more midwife. Boo hoo! I really like Dr. Marichal, so it won't be too trying. He had oversight during my last pregnancy. Today I am 8 weeks, 5 days along. My due date is April 23rd. It's just a few weeks before my 40th birthday in June and a month after Stu's 40th. The u/s pic below is at 8 weeks. That's a little more info for you, but I've got to go get littles ready for bed now. Have a great week!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Who needs toys?

How much fun can a diaper box be? I don't know, go ask 5 of my children. They all took turns pushing Eden around in the box. Who needs toys anyway?!? Actually, Jamie (13) got in one of the boxes today and broke it, but they sure had a good time! Here's Eden in a pirate hat (with our Jack Russell, Chipper) and with kleenex, too!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Okay, you can call me a slacker! I am just so caught up in life that I haven't been blogging. What's going on? Well, we decided to sit Celeste out of dual enrollment at the community college for this semester. She had a horrible first day. We'll do better choosing teachers with advice for the spring semester. Jamie just started guitar lessons with a young lady from church and is really enjoying it. He just bought a new amp for his electric guitar and has been jamming out in his room constantly. Dan is now such an avid reader that he is reading several chapter books per week. He even lays in bed at night and reads with his little $2 book light I bought at Books-A-Million. (Celeste is that way, too!) Max's reading is improving. If we do nothing else in a day for home school, we have to read together. Of course, he's ahead in math and he's doing very well with his handwriting, too. Tommy is more verbal every day. He loves to watch/play with Thomas the Tank Engine. He celebrated his 3rd birthday about 10 days ago. I'll try to get some pics up of that. Eden is now pulling up on the furniture and walking along it a bit. She has discovered the remote for the TV and loves to steal it. She is learning to eat some table food and is liking that, also. I'm 2 weeks away from 1 year old and still nursing her. I don't see her giving it up any time soon.

Please pray for the real estate business for my hubby. We have a home that has considerable interest and we're hoping it goes to contract soon. It's a bumpy ride living on commission when you have 6 children. I am trusting God to provide for us.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

In addition, we went to Orlando on Saturday and took LOTS of pictures at Samantha's 1st birthday party. Samantha is Val's (my BFF) daughter. Here's the link.

Eden turns 11 months

Eden turned 11 months old on Tuesday, the 21st. She is crawling all over the place and pulling up on furniture (finally!). I still don't know if she will be walking by 1, but that's okay! Here are a few cute pictures of her. Also, Tommy turns 3 tomorrow!! I can't believe it! I'll put up some bday pics for him after that. Today we are taking Celeste over to the community college to find her classes because she starts tomorrow. Wow! I can't believe it! I'm very proud of my high school student earning college credit. She's so smart!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A recent picture

This is Eden (almost 11 months!), me, and Tommy (who turns 3 next week!).
I have another great blog post for you to see. It's from my momys friend, Amy Scott. Her blog is just a wonderful masterpiece. (Quite unlike mine!)

Today we're doing some school, running some errands, and Jamie is getting a hair cut. (Believe me, he needs one!) Saturday we'll be driving to Orlando to visit my friend, Valerie, and her family. Last year we had babies 5 weeks apart. Her daughter is turning one, so we're going for the party. We haven't seen each other since May, so it will be nice to go! I'll try to post some more pictures and updates soon.

Monday, August 13, 2007

An encouraging word

We have just started our homeschooling year today. I'm doing a slow start week. It's very hectic! I was quickly checking some things and found this post on Girltalk. It was very encouraging to me. Much of what we do as Christian, homeschooling mommies is among the mundane. Your reward is in heaven, Ladies! Reread all of Psalm 127. And while you're at it, if you homeschool, read Deut. 6, too!

I have LOTS to do, so I need to go! My heart is here with you, but my children are needing my attention in this current season. Blessings!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wedding Meme

My friend over at Olive tree just did this in honor of her anniversary. I thought it would be fun to do it, too! I've been thinking about what to do for our 10th anniversary this December.

1. Where/How did you meet? We met at a police Christmas party. My brother, a sgt. at the time, invited me. Stu's roommate was on the squad, but Stu is not a police officer.

2. How long have you known each other? 10 years, 8 months

3. How long after you met did you start dating? Right away! We were quite taken with each other.

4. How long did you date before you were engaged? 4 months

5. How long was your engagement? about 7 1/2 months

6. How long have you been married? It will be 10 years this December.

7. What is your anniversary? December 6th (Love that Christmas Wedding!)

8. How many people came to your wedding reception? Best guess would be about 90.

9. What kind of cake did you serve? It was yummy regular wedding cake made by an awesome local lady. Just beautiful and delicious! We had a chocolate groom's cake, too.

10. Where was your wedding? At First Baptist Church

11. What did you serve for your meal? We just had snacks as our wedding was in the afternoon. We paid for the wedding ourselves, so we were trying to keep it light.
12. How many people were in your wedding party? There were just 4 (2 of my friends and 2 of Stu's) and then Celeste was the flower girl and Jamie was the ringbearer.

13. Are you still friends with them all? We are still in contact, but don't really have close relationships any more.

14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony? Yes, I think we both did.

15. Most special moment of your wedding day? After the wedding, back at the bed and breakfast our whole wedding party was staying at, Stu was just so sweet to me. It was all decorated for Christmas and just beautiful. It was so good to finally be married.

16. Any funny moments? My son, the ringbearer, practically ran down the aisle and plopped himself in someone's lap when he reached the front of the church. He was 3 1/2.

17. Any big disasters?Not a one.

18. Where did you go on your honeymoon? We never had a honeymoon. We had one night at the bed and breakfast. I would love to have one some day.

20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change? The location of the reception. I couldn't book where I wanted it.

21. Greatest strength as a couple? We're committed to our relationship. We've been through hard times in many ways, but have stuck it out and are still in love.

22. Greatest challenge as a couple? Not enough time alone to enjoy each other.

24. Describe your wedding dress. It was long-sleeved and off-white. My friend beaded it for me. It was just beautiful! (I'll try to add a picture)

25. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding? Roses that were flame-tipped.

26. Are your wedding bands engraved? Mine is not, but his is. It says "One of Two" on the inside.
(The pics at the top of the post are: Our little wedding party, Stuart in his tux, Me and my little brother, Me in my dress, and Jamie.)
I am sitting here in a moment of relative silence. (If you don't count the toddler who's waving his baby sister's blanket in my face and saying, "This was Eden's," over and over.) We are going to pick Celeste and Jamie up at the airport this evening. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. My family will be whole again. I feel like I can get on with my life now. Summers are always a mini-depression for me. It's hard to adjust to having them gone. It's not like they grew up and moved out. That will be different. I am just praising God today that I will enjoy their company once again!

Goings on: Eden has not been sleeping well at night. She's been up a lot. I think my milk supply may have fallen off. Or it could be just a growth spurt. I increased her solid food intake in the hopes that she just needs more calories. I don't want to stop nursing now. She is 10 1/2 months, so I'm not ready yet. (I've never gotten past 3 months, so this is amazing!)

Toddler is now dancing on his sister's blanket in front of me and exclaiming, "Ow, ow!" I don't know why. We'll be starting school probably on August 13th. I need to get more books, but am waiting on closings. Please pray for my husband's business. The Lord has certainly blessed us with several new home listings, but we need for them to sell in order to support the family. I covet your prayers! Okay, off I go to get ready for the big kids!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm just hanging out biding my time until my family is all together again. Celeste and Jamie will be home in 1 week! Yahoo! (That's what we say in the south when we're excited.) No one has come down with chicken pox yet and it's been 15 days now. I'm still hopeful, though. Also, I have lost 4.5 pounds in the past 3 weeks. Not nearly what I wanted, but it's progress. I had to back off a little bit because my dieting was dinging the milk supply for Eden. Slow and steady will be fine! I don't know how long I'll be nursing. Check back with me when she gets her two front teeth---ahhh! Eden turned 10 months old last Saturday. She is crawling all over the house "combat style." It's very cute! She is still a wonderful baby with an easy temperament. PTL! I'm washing the big kids' bed linens and thinking of this time next week. I've been reading in the book of Job lately. It's good. I need to work on perseverance and patience--especially with my younger children. I'm also thinking about doing some commenting on home school curriculum I have used. When I can formulate some concrete thought one evening, I'll take a stab at it. Toodaloo!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Celeste & Jamie

Celeste and Jamie are coming home in 12 days! Yay! Here are 2 pictures. Celeste's friend, Karyn, flew up and visited for an entire week. They went to the Arch, the Zoo, Imo's pizza, the movies, etc. Also, there's a great pic of Jamie and Celeste together. I miss them SO much!

Sarasota Trip

It's been a week, but I wanted to post some pics from our trip to Sarasota last week. There are so many! I'll put a few here and here is a link to all the rest. Enjoy!