Hey everyone! We finally decorated the tree today. Yes, I think I can say that this is the latest we've ever done that. I let the kids do it all and I just watched. I enjoy watching them have fun. I won't mention the arguing over ornament placement that went on ;). Eden has stolen so many ornaments off the tree at this point that it's quite comical. We'll just put them back on later. Since we live in FL and don't have a fireplace, where do you hang the stockings? I just love the Command Performance hooks. The stockings are hanging on the wall in the foyer thanks to this wonderful invention. I took a picture just for fun to share with you.
Also, I would like to recommend an excellent book on children's health. I think it is out of print now, but can be found. When I bought mine it was about $20. Here it is: Take Charge of Your Child's Health by George Wootan, M.D.
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