As I sit here looking at the screen I am thinking it's a little blurred. Okay, only with my left eye. I picked up contacts today after not wearing them for 10 years. I suffer from terribly dry eyes, so many years ago quit wearing them. Well, wouldn't you know it, my Optometrist is out of town until July 9th. This is a sample pair that they had to order. Anyway, the R is comfortable and clear. The left is blurry and feels like there's a rock in it. I go p/u another pair next week--different brand. Maybe that'll be better.
Anyhoo, I'm going scrapbooking tonight. It's the first time in 6 months. Way overdue! I have a feeling my hubby is going to be home late, though. Bummer! I need to go feed Eden. She's crying at me from her jump up. Have a super weekend!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Out with the old...

This is a little review by me, your above average (with family of 8) consumer. In December of 2004 we moved into our new home. At this time, I purchased a new washer and dryer. They are both Fisher & Paykel Ecosmart units. Over time we were having many problems with the washer. It would leave streaks of black on our clothes. It turns out it was build up on the inside of the stainless steel drum. I had to use Cascade dishwasher detergent to clean it out periodically. Also, I have replaced at least a dozen shirts in the past year because simple stains would not come out. (Read: clothes are not getting clean.) Fast forward to going almost full time with cloth diapers for Eden. I tried everything to get the smells out and it just wasn't working. I realized several things after examining the wash cycles of the F&P: It only uses cold water on the cycles (except permanent press), it doesn't fill up over the clothes even if you set it to do so, it only rinses the clothing for 1-2 minutes! Then I went and read reviews on Epinions. Oh my goodness! husband bought me a new HE2 washer that was on SUPER sale at Sears. WOO HOO!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Things that make me happy...
Okay, I am trying to concentrate on thankfulness today. If I don't, then I may have a complete and total meltdown. Here are some things that make me happy:
Boiled peanuts
Giggling babies
taking pictures and making slideshows
playing card games
A good glass of champagne
Going to the movies
The Beach
Boiled peanuts
Giggling babies
taking pictures and making slideshows
playing card games
A good glass of champagne
Going to the movies
The Beach
Check out the cool giveaway at 5 minutes for mom. There is a link in my sidebar, but I don't think it's working, so use the one here! It's for an ice cream maker and bowls...kewl!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
9 months old today!
Eden Joy is 9 months old today! Oh, how the time just flies by us! She is such a delight for me. Currently, Eden is not crawling, but rolls around and scooches a bit. Also, she only has 1 tooth--she's had it for about 6-7 weeks. That second tooth should be in soon...I can feel it. I took her in for a check up this morning and here are her stats:
15 pounds, 13 ounces (10th percentile)
27.5 inches (50th percentile)
45 cm head (75th percentile)
We can see that she is obviously doing a lot of work in the brain area right now. I am hoping this means she'll be a smart one--read: easy to home school! She is my smallest baby ever. So petite! Other goings on are: Tommy has been sick the past couple of days. He had a high fever yesterday (103) and is eating very little. He's a bit better today. Dan and Max are bored, of course. We've been doing a little school here and there. We miss Celeste and Jamie terribly. (Momma cries.) They are at a camp this week in IL, so we can't even speak with them. 6 weeks to go until they come home. Hope you have a blessed Thursday!
15 pounds, 13 ounces (10th percentile)
27.5 inches (50th percentile)
45 cm head (75th percentile)
We can see that she is obviously doing a lot of work in the brain area right now. I am hoping this means she'll be a smart one--read: easy to home school! She is my smallest baby ever. So petite! Other goings on are: Tommy has been sick the past couple of days. He had a high fever yesterday (103) and is eating very little. He's a bit better today. Dan and Max are bored, of course. We've been doing a little school here and there. We miss Celeste and Jamie terribly. (Momma cries.) They are at a camp this week in IL, so we can't even speak with them. 6 weeks to go until they come home. Hope you have a blessed Thursday!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Joy Inexpressible '07

Just got back from the Sovereign Grace Ladies' Retreat in Orlando--Joy Inexpressible. Had fun...wish you were there! Very tired now... Will try to blog more this week! I will post a link to the wonderful messages on how to have Joy in Christ when they are up. Smiles! Your hope is in the Lord!
**Update: the messages from Joy Inexpressible are available now. Go here to find them!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007

It's my 39th birthday. I am thankful for many things:
*My hubby, Stuart
*All of my precious children--they are truly gifts from God Himself
*My Savior, Jesus Christ
*Hummingbird feeders, Vera Bradley wallets, and a good steak dinner on the grill at home!
It's also my younger brother's birthday. His name is Jamie and he's 36 today. I hope to reach him by phone. I love you Jamie!! Thank you, God, for the gift of life You have given me. May I use it to glorify Your Name.
*My hubby, Stuart
*All of my precious children--they are truly gifts from God Himself
*My Savior, Jesus Christ
*Hummingbird feeders, Vera Bradley wallets, and a good steak dinner on the grill at home!
It's also my younger brother's birthday. His name is Jamie and he's 36 today. I hope to reach him by phone. I love you Jamie!! Thank you, God, for the gift of life You have given me. May I use it to glorify Your Name.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Last Day
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Just a quick note to let you know that I've been getting ready to send my older children off for the summer. They go to spend time with their father in the St. Louis, MO area. Celeste and Jamie will be leaving on Friday around noon. Their family is taking a Disney vacation, so for the first time they will be picked up here in North FL. Things have been crazy (as usual). Maybe I'll have more time to blog late at night after my littles go to sleep--or early in the morning! Please pray for me. Life changes dramatically overnight when my teens (Wow, I have 2 now!) are not here and the adjustment is not always smooth. Dan, Max, and Tommy miss their big sister and brother a lot. It's hard for them. I need ideas to keep a toddler busy. Anything would be appreciated!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Happy 13th Birthday, Jamie!

Today is my oldest son's 13th birthday! I can't believe it! Now I have 2 teenagers in the house. We had a party for him last night. We cooked out and the boys (14 of them) shot off water balloons, played football Frisbee, and ran around with squirt guns.
Clifford James
Born June 2nd, 1994
9 lbs., 2 oz.
21 inches
We named him C.J., but in 2nd grade he changed his name to Jamie. Also, I was induced 5 days early because my first baby was 9 1/2 pounds. I love you, Jamie!
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