This is a little review by me, your above average (with family of 8) consumer. In December of 2004 we moved into our new home. At this time, I purchased a new washer and dryer. They are both Fisher & Paykel Ecosmart units. Over time we were having many problems with the washer. It would leave streaks of black on our clothes. It turns out it was build up on the inside of the stainless steel drum. I had to use Cascade dishwasher detergent to clean it out periodically. Also, I have replaced at least a dozen shirts in the past year because simple stains would not come out. (Read: clothes are not getting clean.) Fast forward to going almost full time with cloth diapers for Eden. I tried everything to get the smells out and it just wasn't working. I realized several things after examining the wash cycles of the F&P: It only uses cold water on the cycles (except permanent press), it doesn't fill up over the clothes even if you set it to do so, it only rinses the clothing for 1-2 minutes! Then I went and read reviews on Epinions. Oh my goodness! SO...my husband bought me a new HE2 washer that was on SUPER sale at Sears. WOO HOO!
It sounds like you have hung in there really well with the old.
Stopped by from W@H. Glad to hear about the F&P, the guy who worked on our 20-yr-old washer recommended them! I've read a little about the Kenmores, mostly that their service isn't what it used to be. But if it's a great washer, hopefully you won't need service!!!
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