Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baby Watch

I am now 38+ weeks pregnant. I went in yesterday and had an ultrasound. The weight was estimated at 8 pounds, 8 ounces. They've been a pound low and a pound high before with me, so I don't know what to think! I haven't changed any...still 2 cm, etc. AND baby is floating with his head in my right hip/groin area. This doesn't bode well for a VBAC. I am scheduled for a C Section next Thursday. I am praying he moves and I go into labor or something before then. I have a check up the day before. Plus, my sugars have been high, so pray for me that whatever happens I can handle it. I'm very stressed about providing people to care for my family while I'm in the hospital. It's not all covered...

1 comment:

Chris@Joyful Mother said...

Hey Nancy,

Still watching your blog to see if you had the baby. I noticed your last comment about finding someone to watch the kids. I can help anyway you need me to. Truly. I can watch your kids if you need me to.

Let me know, how I can be of help even if it is just for an afternoon or two. Let me know.


ps I will be praying and don't forget to trust and stand in faith and believe you will receive.