Joshua 2 months old
Joshua Ezekiel is 2 months old now. He weighs 12 pounds, 8 ounces (75%) and is 24.5 inches long (85%). He is quite a big boy! Our Ped said that he acts like an older baby. He is a very sweet, good-natured little boy. He smiles a lot, coos, and is even laughing a little now. We are so happy he is part of our family.
what a big boy!!!! How adorable. He looks so happy.
He is so cute! Discovered your blog today and enjoyed reading through your posts. Noticed you have a daughter named Eden. So do I! We have 5 children, all grown and gone from home now.
Blessings from Costa Rica
Oh my gosh! I just looked at this picture again and he is so cute!
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