Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Blog Give Away

I am participating in Bloggy Giveaways. I am giving away some Mary Kay products--Velocity Facial Cleanser and Lightweight moisturizer along with Ultimate Mascara in black. I am hoping this will bless someone who has a teen or has some young skin (not me anymore!). Please leave a comment and tell me about your favorite new product or something you have discovered recently. Make sure you leave a link to your page so that I can contact you! **Drawing ends midnight August 1, 2008.**
Friday, July 25, 2008
Oh, I forgot!
Yes, being in the hospital during Celeste's Prom made me forget to post some pictures. It was April 19th. Here they are, better late than never! (She went to a Prom with a local Christian school that invites homeschoolers.) Celeste's "date" is a friend of hers from church, Eli.
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yesterday, my best friend, Valerie, came up and had lunch with me (and the kids). We enjoyed visiting with each other. I hadn't seen her in 11 months!!! (We talk every day, though.) She has been a sister to me (one I don't have) for the past 8 years. I love ya, Val! Valerie has 5 children ages 11, 9, 9, 7, and 23 months. Our little girls are 5 weeks apart--Eden and Samantha. She was present for the birth of Max and Tommy. That's a very close friend, don't you know?!?
Oh, and Joshua slept through the night last night. He woke up at 7 this morning. I got 7 hours! Woot!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Up early this morning...try 2:15 to feed Joshua. Well, I had a full night's sleep the night before, so I'll try not to be bitter! Dan, Max, and Tommy are attending VBS at Family Church this week so they are having fun right now. I'm learning to work around a toddler and baby in the mornings. It sure is quiet!! That was a surprise. This afternoon we're going to have a picnic lunch with my friends Charity, LaDawn, and their kids. Then we're off to the Natural History Museum to see the butterflies, the cave, and the discovery room. It's going to be a fun day!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I posted my favorite cornbread recipe. We had it tonight and my hubby said is was better than ever. I used 1 cup of home ground white wheat berries instead of regular white flour. It was delicious!
Milestones, of late
**Tommy is finally potty trained, WOOT!
(Today, a special trip to super wally world to get new underwear)
**Joshua turned 3 months old on the 17th (still not sleeping thru night...grr)
**Eden has enough hair to put up and she doesn't pull it out anymore.
**Max's front teeth are loose.
**Max is reading little chapter books--I thought this would never happen!!!
**Dan is much more helpful since he is the oldest at home right now.
Milestones, of late
**Tommy is finally potty trained, WOOT!
(Today, a special trip to super wally world to get new underwear)
**Joshua turned 3 months old on the 17th (still not sleeping thru night...grr)
**Eden has enough hair to put up and she doesn't pull it out anymore.
**Max's front teeth are loose.
**Max is reading little chapter books--I thought this would never happen!!!
**Dan is much more helpful since he is the oldest at home right now.
**All 3 boys got hair cuts today.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Teaching Textbooks Math 5

I am soooo excited!! This Math program is the one we are going to be using this year (for Dan, my 4th grader) and it SO rocks! You can try the demo at the Teaching Textbooks website. If you have a child that's self-motivated and enjoys using the computer, then this curriculum is for you. It is my opinion that TT blows Saxon away. I have used the upper level math--Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry. My daughter passed into college level math as a junior in high school after taking TT Algebra II.
**Update: This recently arrived in the mail. Dan loves it so much he has done 3 lessons in the past day. It makes math fun and does the grading for you! It's looking good so far!**
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Homeschool copywork
We were going over some things recently and I realized that one of my children needs some more practice with cursive writing. Copy work can be a great way to accomplish this and learn bible verses at the same time. I found a website that has some free copy work, so I though I'd post it here. Visit here to use this resource.
We are getting geared up for next school year and I'm in the middle of selling some curriculum in order to buy more. We're doing school about 2 days a week right now because it's too hot to play outside (we have no trees--none that offer shade anyway). Hope everyone is having a great summer! I miss my teenagers! They are visiting their father until early August.
We are getting geared up for next school year and I'm in the middle of selling some curriculum in order to buy more. We're doing school about 2 days a week right now because it's too hot to play outside (we have no trees--none that offer shade anyway). Hope everyone is having a great summer! I miss my teenagers! They are visiting their father until early August.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy 4th of July!!
I haven't posted in a looong time. Sorry! It's busy here. Celeste left a couple days ago and Jamie has been gone for 3 weeks. They return in early August. So here I am with 5 children--3 of them 3 and under. The trip to the grocery yesterday with all of the kids was, shall I say, "fun."
We're having some friends over to BBQ today. (There will be 12 kids from 3 families!) Also, I got my new Nikon camera finally. So exciting. I've been taking tons of pics! I'll try to post more often. We have no plans for the summer. My goal is just to survive. Joshua is not quite sleeping through the night yet, so I'm praying for that soon.
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