I am participating in Bloggy Giveaways. I am giving away some Mary Kay products--Velocity Facial Cleanser and Lightweight moisturizer along with Ultimate Mascara in black. I am hoping this will bless someone who has a teen or has some young skin (not me anymore!). Please leave a comment and tell me about your favorite new product or something you have discovered recently. Make sure you leave a link to your page so that I can contact you! **Drawing ends midnight August 1, 2008.**
please enter me
I love Mary Kay!! :) Would love a chance to win!:)
My daughter lives in Gatorland (I see a button in your sidebar) and she has two teenage daughters who I'd like to pass this along to.
I'm a teen that wants to join!
I have a teen daughter who constantly steals my make-up! Urgh!
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!
I love the way the velocity products smell! Thanks for the giveaway.
Great giveaway! I hope I am chosen as the lucky winner :)
Thanks for the great contest!
wow i love to win this thanks
wow! thanks!
sadiekate AT yahoo.com
Include me please!!
I love Mary Kay!! My daughter would really like to try the Velocity!!
This sounds wonderful! Thank you for entering me!
Great giveaway!
I love Mary Kay products!!! Thanks for the great contest!
scblog at hotmail dot com
I just bought my daughter some Velocity cleanser about four months ago for the first. She loves it.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
I love the Velocity line too!
mtaviano at taviano dot com
i would love to win this for my dd. we love scrubs so we are always looking for those!
Thanks for the great giveaway Nancy! Robyn is getting closer to the teen age years than I am ready for! RJ is too, and both are starting to need the acne type products. Working with the clearasil line so far has been fine. Hope all is well...love the pix of Celeste. Sure you'll be glad when they get home!
A product that I love. Hmmm . . . I just discovered the wonders of Fray Check!
Thank you!
art and nature [at] juno *dot* com
My favorite product right now is EcoTools. It is a collection of eco-friendly make-up brushes.
I found recently that good old baking soda and a little honey make a great face wash. While my daughter continues to buy all different products to clean her skin and get rid of her small blemishes.
cjinhb at msn dot com
I recently discovered Satin Hands by MK Love it!!
Thanks for the entry
tonyamcrain [at] aol [dot] com
A new product that I recently discovered is Neutrogena SkinID. I love it!
Mary Kay makes the best moisturizer. My skin is so dry! :D
I hope I win. You can contact me on my blog. My email is accessible there, too. :)
I'm taking a chance that you will ship to Canada if I win. *crosses her fingers*
I love Mary Kay products and would love to win this.
Great giveaway, thanks!
Don't know if 34 qualifies as "young skin" but my neice is a preteen and would love this giveaway! :)
Happy Wednesday!
Not something your older teens would use? My teens love the velocity products. I'm too old to appreciate them too, lol.
My fave new product is Aveeno anti age serum great product. Thanks for the contest
I've never tried MK products, but I do love Benefit! :) Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail . com
I really like the Mary Kay gold lipstick. I don't remember the actual name. If you put it just in the middle of your lips, it makes them look fuller.
I would love some MK! Thanks!
I love the mary kay satin hands!
my fave new product is Neutrogena's intensive day repair with spf. It is awesome!
I can always use lightweight lotion! I am oily little booger!
I recently found Embrace Bath and Body and I love their stuff. My favorite has been the whipped body butter. I got mine in cupcake scent and I love it.
I've discovered johnson's face wash. Would love to win this prize. Thanks for the chance.
I've been using St Ives face scrub recently and I love it! I'd like to see how Mary Kay's face scrubs measures up next to it. And who doesn't love mascara? Count me in.
I just read about the satin hands set today on another site. Would love to try that sometime!
I've been using Nivea Visage Sensitive Balance night cream and I love it - makes my face hydrated the next day, it glows even without makeup!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughter loves the Mary Kay teen products. She is 17 and has beautiful skin. I, alas, need something for more mature skin. I love the new Olay products for me.
In all these years, I've never tried Mary Kay. Now feels like the right time :)
Thanks so much!
I'd love to try this! :)
My new favorite product is the Method Kids line for my daughter.
A product that I have discovered recently? I like Mary Kay's foundation- great coverage and it's very light! Thanks!
I've recently discovered the Sonicare electric toothbrush, that thing rocks! My teeth feel so clean after using it, I wish I'd found it years ago.
Thanks for offering the MK products, I love that stuff!
I love Mary Kay! Something I discovered recently is bra extenders. You can buy them at any craft store to increase your bra's band size. Saved me from spending a wad of money on new bras!
I recently discovered spray and wash works amazing on carpet stains - and it's so handy. Makes your carpet look like new.
You've selected a great product for a giveaway...thanks very much.
I love Mary Kay products. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I normally use Oil of Olay and Aveeno products but I am always happy to try new things (who knows, might be my new favorite!).
My favorite product right now is Cover Girl Lash Blast. You should definitely check it out!
My favorite product at the moment is the L'Oreal Skin Genesis line.
I'm loving Burts Bees lip balm!
I'm loving Burts Bees lip balm!
wud luv to be included
I've recently discovered Cinique whipped water therapy body cream -- fantastic no fragrance moisturizer!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I just started using Dove Cream Oil bodywash and even though it's a bit more expensive I LOVE IT! It's so creamy and lathery! It smells good too.
The Beauticontrol skinlogics face cream and scrub are my go to skincare items. =) But I love Mary Kay too!
I really like the Mary Kay mineral powder foundation. I am having a Mary Kay party soon and I hope to be able to buy it! I also love the skin care products, so this would be a great giveaway to win! Thanks!
I love Bare Minerals foundation! Thank you for the giveaway!:)
Burt's Bees lip balm and Mary Kay Satin Hands. Thanks for this giveaway!
We just bought a new game called In a Pickle. It's really cute...the children like it.
My favorite product is Ponds facial wipes. I use them every night and they leave my skin feeling great!
My new favorite thing is the Almay make-up removing wipes. They are so easy to just swipe accross my face and don't sting my eyes like so many other make-up removers. Thanks!
I heard and discovered(it does work) that putting honey on a white head(I put a bandaid over it at night)will clean up a white, like over night!
Thank you for a very generous giveaway--I'm a beauty product junkie :)
I have discovered that the things that bother me most about other people are things that bother me most about myself. Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com
I am loving mineral makeup and found out recently that I probably don't change out my mascara often enough.
Thanks for the giveaway!
sethandtania at hotmail dot com
My favorite product is Burt's Bees Banana Hand cream. It smells wonderful and makes my hands feel great! Thanks for having this giveaway!
my sweet friend just gave me some of the satin hands products from mary kay . . . i heart them so much! thanks for a fun giveaway! kristen
i didn't realise that Clean & Clear had such a great face wash. it's now my holy grail item!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
I love Mary Kay products. I also like BeautiControl's skincare system.
I've been a Mary Kay user for about 18 years; I even tried my hand at selling for two of those years but decided I liked being a customer better. My favorite product is the extra emollient night cream. I have terribly dry skin and this is the only moisturizer I've ever found to really make my skin soft and supple. Thanks for the chance to win! My 14-year old uses and loves Velocity.
Thanks for the great giveaway! I have been getting into fun colors of nail polish recently for the summer.
My favorite product or something I have discovered recently? You mean in general or just with MK? My favorite MK product is the Ultimate Signature Mascara in black, and I ran out some time ago and bought a cheap drugstore mascara instead (mistake). I'd love to have a new one! I've never tried the Velocity products and would love to.
If you meant what other new product I like, here's a cool site that I found in the last Bloggy Giveaway carnival:
They make their own soaps, lotions, chap sticks, etc. and have yummy fragrances such as Buttercream Snickerdoodle and Almond Biscotti. I didn't win from them, but I did buy!
Thank you! southerncupcake@yahoo.com
I love MK but I also love Burt's Bees products. I just bought the shimmery lipgloss in a tube. Its GREAT!
Ooohh! I was hoping that someone would giveaway some MK! I love their mascara and eye shadows! thanks!
Please visit my giveaway at www.toddlertailoring.blogspot.com
I'd love to win this. I've never had mascara of my own. (My eylashes are pretty dark on their own, but I'd like some mascara so my eyelash curler will work better, lol.)
Favorite product? I love Burt's Bees lip balms.
I just got Bare Minerals eyebrow powder. They had a color that matches my eyebrows perfectly!!
I love MK and could use some Velocity facial cleaner. Go Gators!
i'll pretend i don't see a gator's button on your sidebar and you can pretend that i don't go to fsu for the time being. lol.
i really like the new cg lash blast mascara. (the really big orange one)
alexandra dot hancock at gmail dot com
I like max factor blush it works great!
I have started trying all the new formulas of foundation on the market and haven't settled on one I like yet but I keep trying.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com
Bare Minerals. I love that stuff. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
I am new to and really liking the MAry Kay Microderm abrasion stuff. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
I just love makeup of most any good kind! Love MK and want to win!
my favorite product in the world is MK satin hands
Three cheers for MK!!!
This is AMAZING! YOU'RE amazing!
Satin Hands is a great line!
irrelevantheart (at) gmail (dot) com !! Thank you!
My favorite product is witch hazel! It works for so many things. It;s an especially good toner for oily skin
MK's mascara is my favorite!!
My favorite new product is Olay Regenerist.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I recently started using Lypsyl balm and I love it! Thanks for the giveaway!
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