Thursday, October 30, 2008


Yesterday began like "one of those days." I got out of bed because I could hear Eden "singing" on the monitor. Joshua was still asleep in his crib in our room. I get to the kids' hallway and I smell the lovely odor of pee. Tommy comes out and says, "Mommy, I'm really sweaty." "Son," I say, "that's not sweat." By the time I get him in the shower, strip the bed, and get the laundry started, Eden is screaming she wants out of her crib, Joshua woke up and was crying for a bottle. I am glad today was better. Celeste watched the younger set and I had a quick lunch with Stuart. Just us.

On a good note, gas here is down to $2.42/gallon! I was able to fill up my Suburban ALL THE WAY for the 1st time in at least a year and a half!!! (I have a 44 gallon gas tank. It's a '99 and in 2000 Chevy reduced the tanks to 32 gallons.)

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