I've been up into the wee hours the past several nights working on a scrapbook for my mother-in-law, Sara, who went to be with Jesus on December 21st. My fil asked me to do it for the memorial service that's this weekend. It has been a trip down memory lane. I am hoping it will help others remember her as a vibrant, talented woman and honor her memory.
Tonight, I have a mom's meeting. Usually I go alone, but I'm taking the baby this time. He's increasingly active now since he's about 9 months. He follows the big kids around like a pro--crawling, of course! I'll have to take a jacket tonight. The low is forecast to be 30 degrees. Yay! it's finally winter in FL. We were all wearing short sleeves and some us wore shorts up until a few days ago. A friend of mine is in MN and their temps have been 20-40 below zero. That's serious!
Since I have been scrapbooking a lot lately (in my free time, haha!), I have been working with my digital scrapbook program. I recently found this site that I want to share with you. They have a lot of cute digital goodies. Their weekly newsletter comes out on Saturdays and offers discounts. Check it out!
1 comment:
Hope you enjoyed the mom's meeting. I haven't been in a long while. Been busy over here. Trying to play catch-up before baby arrives. I am also counting down the days till baby girl gets here (no name yet--ugh!!) I have about 30 days left or less, yay!!!!
Enjoy this weekend celebrating the LIFE of your MIL.
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