Monday, March 02, 2009

This week

Here I am! I had one of those "there's only one of me and 5 of them" days. (I'm speaking of being home and trying to homeschool with kids 9, 8, 4.5, 2.5, and 10 months.) It was a crazy day, but I made it through. Right now Daddy is at the ball field with Dan & Max at baseball practice. We have a big week for that! Opening day is Saturday and there's practice on M, T, and Th this week. Plus we have caregroup on Wednesday night. Busy, busy!

I have a new love/interest. It's coffee... I think. ;) I don't own a coffeemaker and I would love to get one. I'm not sure I would want something sitting on my counter all the time. I think I would probably fire it up 3-4 times a week. Any info or suggestions would be appreciated. I think I like the flavored types like mocha, french vanilla, etc.

I'm off to finish up dinner. Tonight it's 5 can soup (listed on my recipe blog--sidebar), white rice, and homemade cornbread. It will cold here in FL tonight with a low of 25. Chili was in order. Have a super Monday night!

1 comment:

Chris@Joyful Mother said...

I have a small 4 cup maker. It doesn't take much space. I use it in the mornings.

Had a not so wonderful day at walmart the other day. I was seeing fog and my attitude was awful.. I took all the littles Galen and down and the babies cried the whole time...Oh and I did have Donnie with me. He was a big help. He was peaceful while I was having a hissy fit. Post partum hormones still there I guess. LOL
