Saturday, April 25, 2009

Here She Is!

Celeste Marie

Life Verse
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

High School
During her high school years, Celeste has been very busy with many interests and activities. Some of these include: piano lessons, MimeTime, Community Band, 180 Youth Group, helping out with child care, and volunteering. Celeste is an avid reader, amateur photographer, and enjoys scrap booking. When not in school, she works part-time for a local grocery store. Currently, Celeste is dual-enrolled and will complete her high school education having earned 30 college credit hours. Her family appreciates all the effort she has put into school and work for the past 2 years!

Future Plans
Celeste plans to complete her Associate of Arts degree in the next year. After this, she hopes to transfer to University of Florida or another similar university. Celeste desires to continue to develop a Pro-Life Advocacy Group and to one day become a Godly wife and mother.

Our First Homeschool Graduate

It's going to be a busy week! Next Saturday, we will graduate our 1st homeschool graduate. It has been a lot of hard work, so I am quite reflective at this point. It makes me think about our decision to homeschool and how we got here. Back in 1996-1997 I used to manage a medical office. Every day the UPS Man would come in and testify about Jesus, his church, and how much he loved his wife. Also, he began to tell me about homeschooling. At this point, Stuart & I had just gotten married and we had Celeste(6yo)and Jamie(3yo). We were starting our own family and God led us to make the decision for homeschooling. Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9. We have had challenges and made mistakes, but God has been so faithful to Celeste. She is a very hard-working young lady who is currently taking 12 credit hours at the local community college and working at a local grocery 20-25 hours per week. I don't get to see her as much as I'd like! I'm going to post her bio in the next post.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Raising Money For Adoption

My friend, Becky, who designed this blog, is adopting a second little girl from China! They are trying to raise money for this adoption, so please visit her website that has an auction-style garage sale of really cute little girls' clothing.

Chloe's Closet

They received their placement and can't wait to bring little Jada home. Please pray that this would go smoothly and they would get to love on their new daughter VERY soon!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Some favorite baby things

Being a mother of 7 children, I have tried out quite a few baby products. I thought I would share a list of some of my favorite things.

Graco Contempo High Chair--I don't have much use for the extra tray that sits on top, because Joshua likes to pull it off and throw it. :) This is probably the best high chair we have owned!

Graco Quattro Tour Travel System--This stroller, while not light-weight, is very sturdy and has held up better than ANY full-size stroller I have owned.

Britax Roundabout Convertible Car Seat--Hands down, this is the absolute best car seat I have ever owned! I've had mine 3 years now and it was passed down from Tommy to Eden and then to Joshua. It is the easiest to install, is comfortable, and has a nice velcro feature for the straps when not in use.

New Avent bottles BPA-free (Finally!)

Nuk brand pacifiers

Huggies Diapers--the regular ones

Sprout Organic Baby Food by Tyler Florence--It's like you just made it!

Baby's Only Organic Formula (If you can't nurse...)--We used this for Tommy, nursed Eden, and then are now using it for Joshua.

McClaren Volo Lightweight Stroller--I bought this little baby in 2001 and have NEVER regretted it. It has been through Max, Tommy, Eden, & Joshua and is still going strong! I have owned it for 8 years! You can sling it over your shoulder. Great stroller for toddlers for travel or whatever. Highly recommend!

My SlingEZee baby sling--I have tried others that are more costly, but this is my favorite.

Graco Jump-up--I have owned this jumper for 15 years!! Can't live without it. Great for showers and computer time!

I'll stop for today... I need to go make dinner and we have a storm on the way. I think baseball may be cancelled for this evening. I have really been looking forward to the games tonight, but I can't control the weather!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dan!

Dan turned 10 on Wednesday this week! I can't believe it's been a decade already! He is growing into a helpful young man. Dan loves to read and is quite smart with his school work. He's a great pitcher for his baseball team and I am just enjoying him this year.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The nature of Jesus Christ

I am currently participating in a Beth Moore bible study called, "Believing God." This particular verse impacted me tonight during my study time.

Colossians 1: 15-17
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." (NIV translation--bold print my emphasis)

First of all, let me say that God is Sovereign. He allows the current government that we, as U.S. citizens, are enduring. My concern is that Christians are concentrating too readily on the gloom and doom purported by the media. While this nation's economy (among other things) is not a rosy picture, may I suggest that we can trust God to move mightily during this time in His own way.

Secondly, "all things were created by him and for him." The chief end of man is to glorify God. I am asking myself, "What am I doing on a day to day basis that glorifies Him?" Consider this point carefully and move to meet its challenge.

Third, "in him all things hold together." Hold fast to this statement. In difficult times, in uncertainty, in sickness, in trial, let us hold to God's promises and pray fervently, believing in Him who has the power to accomplish anything. I am letting God hold me together and trusting in the Hope that he has given me for my future. Amen!

Monday, April 06, 2009

More pictures

They all pretty much look alike! Dan (almost 10), Max (8), Tommy (4.5), & Joshua (11 months)
Dan pitching.

Max's Eye

This is what Max's eye looked like 3 days after getting hit with a baseball bat. Today, you can hardly tell and it's been a week. Both he and Dan won their baseball games on Saturday. They did a great job! Dan pitched an inning where he struck out 3 players and Dan got a home run at one point, too. This week we are on "spring break." Older brother, Jamie, is in St. Louis for the week. Eden threw up several times yesterday. I'm hoping it's isolated and others don't get sick this week. It seems that every year during our break someone gets sick and we are stuck at home. I am hopeful we'll enjoy a great week. Dan turns 10 this week!