Celeste Marie
Life Verse
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2
High School
During her high school years, Celeste has been very busy with many interests and activities. Some of these include: piano lessons, MimeTime, Community Band, 180 Youth Group, helping out with child care, and volunteering. Celeste is an avid reader, amateur photographer, and enjoys scrap booking. When not in school, she works part-time for a local grocery store. Currently, Celeste is dual-enrolled and will complete her high school education having earned 30 college credit hours. Her family appreciates all the effort she has put into school and work for the past 2 years!
Future Plans
Celeste plans to complete her Associate of Arts degree in the next year. After this, she hopes to transfer to University of Florida or another similar university. Celeste desires to continue to develop a Pro-Life Advocacy Group and to one day become a Godly wife and mother.