Saturday, April 18, 2009

Joshua Turned 1 Yesterday


Chris@Joyful Mother said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Chris! At this point with Eden I was pregnant again. Strange not to be there!

Judy Dudich said...

THAT is adorable!!!
Thanks for sharing!
I REALLY relate to feeling strange not having a little one within!
Our last six came in seven years...and that baby is now 2...I'm trying to learn to accept God's perfect WILL even if it means no more blessings...(but it DOES feel a bit odd since it's been so long to NOT be pregnant)

Melissa said...

Oh he is so cute. It has been a long time since mine were 1 yrs old. In case you are wondering who I am, I am the moderator of the yahoo group nfloridaplaygroup. I have a blog too.