Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baseball Morning

Max holding Joshua at the game
Joshua peeks through the fence to see Dan play ball...
Little Miss Eden Joy
After the game with Dan and Tommy
Dan had a baseball game this morning at 9, so we all went. (Jamie is working at the paintball park today reffing.) The weather is gorgeous today with a high in the low 80's and a cool wind. Perfect for a birthday party later for Joshua. He's 2 today! I will try to put up pictures from that.

Friday, April 09, 2010


Fridays are special around here because of Little Miss Peanut Kara Faith. So today the girls are wearing purple. Well, my friend, Carly, has twins named Sydney and Abby. Abby has HPE like Kara Faith. They are wearing purple today, too. Please hop on over to their blog and see these cute little gifts from God. I feel very cared for by this gesture!


Thursday, April 08, 2010

Dan turns Eleven

Happy 11th Birthday, Dan!

Here is our Daniel Allan. He likes to go by Dan. He was born today in 1999. This year he is in 5th grade. Currently, Dan is attending Oakview Middle School part-time learning Math/Science and is homeschooled the rest of the day. Dan is in his 4th year playing baseball. Right now his team is undefeated! Stuart and I lost a baby before Dan, so we prayed for Daniel and were overjoyed when he arrived just a few short days before Easter. He is a good BIG brother to his younger siblings. Max (9) says Dan is fun to play Wii with and Tommy (5) enjoys playing with him outside. (Everyone else is napping or unavailable for comments,lol!) We love you very much, Dan!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Raffle for Holoprosencephaly

Please hop on over and visit Kara's HoPE webpage. We are doing a raffle for a Porsche Boxter to raise funds to help other families with children and babies who have HPE. Thank you!!