We went to the "splash park" yesterday and they had so much fun! It was good for me to get out and enjoy my kids. To watch Max, Tommy, Eden, & Joshua laugh and have fun was wonderful. I'm trying to get back to life after Kara Faith. I love all of my children dearly. Some days it's just hard to get going. I feel very blessed by them!
Dan went to Sea World with his class from school yesterday and was quite worn out when he got home. He kept talking about riding the Kracken--a big rollercoaster. Jamie turns 16 next week on June 2nd. I can't believe that. He's about to finish out his 10th grade year and he has a 4.2 GPA currently. I am so proud of him! I miss Celeste most days. I popped in on her today. I just so desperately wanted to see her. Since she moved out I don't spend as much time with her as I'd like. Celeste took Jamie and I out to dinner last weekend and that was quite a treat! I am trying to think of fun things to do with the children this summer to keep us busy. Any ideas are appreciated!
How fun!!
Hey I've been posting on my blog again. This time...I'm doing audio posts daily! I know...isn't that crazy !! It actually has been alot of fun. and I interact with those who do leave comments.
Thought I'd spruce up my blog life a bit after deserting it for about a month. WHo knows how long all this will last. As for now...I am sorta treating it like a little "blog talk show" ha ha....
So glad Dan was able to go to Sea world... Yay!!
Ok gotta run
Love ya, and I do need to call.
I am happy to hear you found the strength to get out and enjoy your little lambies. The hardest part about losing Mariah was the numbness I felt, and still feel often, of trying to love the other 6 blessings I have in my care. Isn't that the strangest thing...missing one so badly skewing loving the others. I have done what you did...take time to enjoy them more! We have made picnics for lunch every other day, taken all kinds of outings, reading more books out loud, making treats together in the kitchen. It is helping...its just a long road! I remind myself so many times throughout the day "the Lord is doing something good". He is. I know it, even if I can't feel it all the time.
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