Thursday, November 18, 2010

Adventures in Homeschooling... and life!

I have had high fevers around here for nearly 2 weeks. I am talking 103 and 104 degree fevers. Add to this headaches, runny noses, bloodshot eyes, upset tummies, some other yuckiness that lasts about 6 days per child and you get a wonderful formula for the unexpected. This includes late nights and early mornings. Homeschooling this week has NOT gone as I would have planned. It doesn't take much time to figure out that I am not in control. God is! This sure does take a huge weight off my shoulders. I figure if He owns a cattle on a thousand hills, then He's got this. ("For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills." Psalm 50:10)

Do you ever have this? Your plans get totally derailed? In addition to the sickies last night my truck broke down when I was on my way to take Jamie to church for Bible study. Normally I would get angry, but for once, I didn't! Kara Faith definitely taught me how to trust my days to my Creator. I've had 4 of 7 children very sick over the last 2 weeks, derailed plans with homeschooling, and a broken truck, but I'm not worried. God's got this!

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