Tommy is doing better today. This is considering he only ate 1 cracker yesterday and had about one half a cup of milk. (Which he tossed up overnight in his crib...eww!) I know I shouldn't give him milk on an upset tummy, but it was the only thing he would drink and I figured that was better than nothing. At least my hubby cleaned it up, yeah!
I awoke with a migraine this morning and Tommy was still recovering, so we had another day at home. It was a very hard day for me. Stu has been gone the past two nights until midnight. I REALLY miss Celeste and Jamie. I need to call them to see what they've been up to. Stu is on his way home from a meeting in Daytona Beach. It's late, so I worry. Praying that God gives him safe travel in that little car. Thanks for stopping by! May God bless you today!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Please pray for my Tommy who is 2 1/2 years old. He has a fever (102+), the shakes, is c/o his ear hurting, and he threw up on my bed earlier (yuck!). He was up in the middle of the night, too. He won't eat or drink anything. Eden seems a bit better today. Just a little cough and no fever. Jamie and Celeste are in STL and Stu is gone until 10PM. Great first day alone with the littles! I shall persevere...and do lots of laundry!
Monday, March 26, 2007
The friendly skies
I may not be posting much this week. My two oldest children, Celeste and Jamie, are flying out to see their Dad in St. Louis for a week. They leave tomorrow. We have LOTS on the agenda today. Stu will be taking them to the airport in Orlando. It's 2 1/2 hours to the airport and back--plus wait time. It's a long day, so I'm staying home with the younger bunch. Dan has a baseball game, too! Last night Celeste tells me she needs a new suitcase. We duct taped hers together for the last trip, but the TSA people removed it. Nothing like last minute! She's going to try to fit in my weekender. Oh the joys of travelling! (We don't do it too much with such a large brood. I haven't been on an airplane since 1994--I love to fly, though!) We are going to visit my parents for Easter in Sarasota. I really miss the beach and the smell of the salt water! Okay if this post seems scatterbrained, it is! That's how I feel today...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Celeste got her hair cut today. It is very pretty. Yes, the curls are natural. Something about this picture reminds me of Eden. Maybe it's her eyes. My cute girls!
6 months and counting

Eden is 6 months old today! (And it is the first day of spring, yay!) I took her for her check-up and was pleasantly surprised that her weight was okay. Eden weighs 14 lbs., 12 oz. (40%) and is 26 inches long (50%). I will probably start her slowly on some more solid foods. She stopped sleeping through the night a couple weeks ago. I think she may be hungry!
We are so busy today. I had Eden's check-up, Celeste has a hair cut, I'm taking dinner to someone from church (almost forgot!), and Dan has baseball practice this evening. I have barely seen my hubby this week. It's crazy.
Celeste is in taking pictures of Eden. I guess I'm going to post one with this post. (She took 13 pics of her!) I'm sure you've seen SO many and know what she looks like. I'll try to get some up of the other kids, too! I have a cute one of Tommy in a baseball cap. Have a super Wednesday! I'm off to nurse the baby before I take 'leste in for her hair cut...
Monday, March 19, 2007
A Clean Slate
Ahhh, it's Monday again! (As I sit here still in my pajamas.) I was telling the lady at the place I go exercise that Monday is a clean slate. It's a do-over from last week. You can always make a fresh start on Monday. It's like when we go to Jesus for forgiveness of our sin...He wipes away the offense and gives us grace. Monday is grace to go on. Yay! So it's not too bad that I haven't had a shower. I have made whole wheat banana pancakes for my family, done 2 loads of laundry, home schooled my 2nd grader, and fed the baby twice. It's a start!
Danny won his baseball game on Saturday 5-4! I was not able to go because it was quite cold and breezy. It was best to keep little Eden home out of that. He has a double header this Saturday. I hope to make part of that. Tommy has a birthday party to go to, so I'll have to leave early. We have such a busy week planned. I won't go into all the details, but I've never been so busy in all my life! Jamie and Celeste leave for St. Louis next week for spring break. It will be quiet while they're gone. I think I need the break from all the activities.
We're covering the book of James at church. It's my favorite book in the bible, pretty much. (I love Isaiah, too!) So why don't you read in James this week...
Danny won his baseball game on Saturday 5-4! I was not able to go because it was quite cold and breezy. It was best to keep little Eden home out of that. He has a double header this Saturday. I hope to make part of that. Tommy has a birthday party to go to, so I'll have to leave early. We have such a busy week planned. I won't go into all the details, but I've never been so busy in all my life! Jamie and Celeste leave for St. Louis next week for spring break. It will be quiet while they're gone. I think I need the break from all the activities.
We're covering the book of James at church. It's my favorite book in the bible, pretty much. (I love Isaiah, too!) So why don't you read in James this week...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Eden had her first food today! My milk supply seems low and she doesn't seem to be getting enough--her weight gain is slow--please pray for us in this area! My friend, Kristy, suggested I mix momma milk with rice cereal. She loved it! Check out her pictures in my flickr badge to the right.
The Real Deal

Dan had his first baseball game on Saturday and here are a couple photos of the fun! They lost, but we all had a great time!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Little League

And so it begins, after years of waiting (on Dan's part), the first season of little league baseball. No T ball here, just the real thing. Practice began last Friday night. I made it to the 2nd practice and there's already a game on Saturday. Hey, the kids don't even know all the rules yet! The last picture is of a couple members of our pep squad, Jamie and Max! This latest installment of America's pasttime has truly made our schedule crazy, but I know one 7-year old boy that couldn't be happier...
Saturday, March 03, 2007
A little report

Baby Eden found her tongue today! It is so cute how she sticks it out all over the place. I wasn't able to get the best picture, but I'll try to post one. Also, she decided biting mommy while nursing was fun today on several occasions. I tried to "get her attention," but she just thinks it's all fun and games. Any ideas? She did fine during her nighttime nursing, though. PTL!
**Update--Eden has done better over the past couple of days and is rarely biting. I'm glad because nothing that I have tried has made her stop!
Friday, March 02, 2007
I added a recipe blog in my sidebar! I put up white chicken chili first. We had it tonight!
Ultimate Blog Party
Hi everyone! I am participating in the Ultimate Blog Party. It's hosted by 5 minutes for Mom--go check them out! If you're new to my site, you can scroll down and catch a slide show of my family that I posted around Valentine's Day. Here are a few things about me:
~I have been married to Stu for a little over 9 years. We've been together 10. Stu is a broker/developer for Coldwell Banker. Need a home?
~I have 6 children. My two oldest are from my previous marriage. My girls are the bookends currently.
~I homeschool my 4 oldest children.
~I attend a Sovereign Grace Church and love it!
~My husband and I are currently promoting a nutritional beverage that can change your life!
~I love to scrapbook and take pictures. I am a Creative Memories consultant. You can now order directly from my webpage and have items shipped to your door from CM!
~I love to read, go to the beach, play games with my kids, hang out with the youth from the church. I used to scuba dive...miss that!
~One secret about me: I really don't like thunderstorms/lightning--especially at night.
~I am passionate about home schooling my children. God directs my steps daily. It's not always pretty, but there will be an eternal reward!
Be sure to scroll down to the end of the page and read the poem my daughter wrote for me!
Please leave a comment. I would love to visit your blogs, too!
~I have been married to Stu for a little over 9 years. We've been together 10. Stu is a broker/developer for Coldwell Banker. Need a home?
~I have 6 children. My two oldest are from my previous marriage. My girls are the bookends currently.
~I homeschool my 4 oldest children.
~I attend a Sovereign Grace Church and love it!
~My husband and I are currently promoting a nutritional beverage that can change your life!
~I love to scrapbook and take pictures. I am a Creative Memories consultant. You can now order directly from my webpage and have items shipped to your door from CM!
~I love to read, go to the beach, play games with my kids, hang out with the youth from the church. I used to scuba dive...miss that!
~One secret about me: I really don't like thunderstorms/lightning--especially at night.
~I am passionate about home schooling my children. God directs my steps daily. It's not always pretty, but there will be an eternal reward!
Be sure to scroll down to the end of the page and read the poem my daughter wrote for me!
Please leave a comment. I would love to visit your blogs, too!
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