Eden is 6 months old today! (And it is the first day of spring, yay!) I took her for her check-up and was pleasantly surprised that her weight was okay. Eden weighs 14 lbs., 12 oz. (40%) and is 26 inches long (50%). I will probably start her slowly on some more solid foods. She stopped sleeping through the night a couple weeks ago. I think she may be hungry!
We are so busy today. I had Eden's check-up, Celeste has a hair cut, I'm taking dinner to someone from church (almost forgot!), and Dan has baseball practice this evening. I have barely seen my hubby this week. It's crazy.
Celeste is in taking pictures of Eden. I guess I'm going to post one with this post. (She took 13 pics of her!) I'm sure you've seen SO many and know what she looks like. I'll try to get some up of the other kids, too! I have a cute one of Tommy in a baseball cap. Have a super Wednesday! I'm off to nurse the baby before I take 'leste in for her hair cut...
1 comment:
AWWW the cute!!
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