Baby Eden found her tongue today! It is so cute how she sticks it out all over the place. I wasn't able to get the best picture, but I'll try to post one. Also, she decided biting mommy while nursing was fun today on several occasions. I tried to "get her attention," but she just thinks it's all fun and games. Any ideas? She did fine during her nighttime nursing, though. PTL!
**Update--Eden has done better over the past couple of days and is rarely biting. I'm glad because nothing that I have tried has made her stop!
I love that scripture in you header. It is one of my very favorites. Thanks for stopping by! It's good to get there and meet some new friends. I'll stop by again sometime!
Nice to meet you Nancy. Six children, you are a busy lady! Love the sweet baby pictures.
Thanks for visiting, I'll be back to visit again.
Hi, Nancy. Thanks for stopping over at my place!
About the biting while nursing - a tip that has always worked for me with all 4 of my children. Although it's nearly impossible not to jump and yell if you get clamped down on while nursing, try to immediately smoosh their face into your breast - enough to cover their nostrils. Hold them there for just a second or two - just long enough for them to realize they can't breathe. If you press them in quickly enough, they begin to associate that with the biting and don't want to do that anymore! They definitely don't like the "smooshed sensation."
Cara :)
Hi there! I'm here for the party!
I have 3 little ones, and I remember when they would each start biting while breastfeeding. I would instantly put a finger in the baby's mouth to de-latch... then let them relatch. I always said no along with with the finger (of course, its gentle!) but it changes direction just enough so that they try something different. Perhaps that will work for you.
Nice to meet you and your beautiful family!
Awww, she's so beautiful! Those colors bring out her rosy complexion!
Now THAT is adorable!!!!
I would give a light flick with my finger and thumb so that biting me gave them the feeling of (a bit) of pain. That seemed to work.
What an adorable daughter!!!
WHAT a cutie pie!!!
I'm here via a post on another blog. I also have six children, so your comment there caught my eye.
My Dollymama blog is my personal blog, and I also run a baby boutique from home and have a blog there as well:
We will be having fun FREEBIES and sales there later this month, so you might enjoy checking it out!
Enjoy the party!
what a beautiful little girl. she has gorgeous eyes!
Awwww..I just love when they find their tongues...so precious!
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