Monday, May 01, 2006

Flu U.

Yes, I have just graduated from Flu University. In fact, the whole family, all 7 of us have! Needless to say it was a horrible weekend which started very early Friday morning. I had to get phenergan to keep myself out of the hospital. We are all still recovering to varying degrees. Celeste is feeling the best while Max would probably be the last one out. Please pray for Tommy as he has had throwing up and/or diarhhea since last Tuesday off and on. After nearly 3 weeks of this, he's rather thin.

Danny just left to go take his CAT5 testing. I am a bit nervous about how he's going to sit for several hours taking a test. I am praying he's quiet, on his best behavior, and obedient. We'll see when I go pick him up!

18 days 'til the ultrasound! TTFN!

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