Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Our trip

Stu with Tommy at Jungle Gardens

Me (22 weeks pregnant) and Dan at Siesta Beach

Max holds a bird at Jungle Gardens--great smile!!
Tommy just LOVED the seaweed!
All the boys got to hold an alligator at Jungle Gardens.
The children play in the sand and have a grand time!

I've been trying to add some pictures, but have been unsuccessful all day. We had an unbelievably busy weekend. Here it is:

Friday: Arrive, Lunch at creek with my Dad, go to beach condo, play at beach with kids, clean up, go to Dad's for dinner, back to condo and collapse
Saturday: Up at 7, go to Jungle Garden with kids, Lunch at the Field Club, afternoon at beach, evening dinner plans and pool fun with my friend, Russ, from high school, back to condo and collapse
Sunday: drive to Punta Gorda to visit my mother, drive back to Sarasota and get A's giant sandwiches for lunch (YUM!), eat lunch at condo, afternoon at beach, boating with Dad at 5, dinner at Demetrios (YUM!), back to my parents to celebrate Jamie's bday, back to condo and you know what happens
Monday: up early, boys go fishing with my Dad, girls go shopping (and baby), lunch at the Creek, afternoon cleaning up condo and beach fun, leave and get home at 8:30 PM, do LOTS of laundry and watch Star Trek (old) before collapsing.

It was fun!! Sure was busy! Next time we need more days. The baby proved to be a bit difficult. I think it's just his age, but it's hard to travel with toddlers. I figure we won't get to go next year b/c we'll have a 9 month old and a 2 1/2 year old. We'll see!!! The kids really did have a wonderful time. I love to see them laugh, play, and have so much fun. I am sooo blessed!

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