Monday, November 27, 2006

I would be doing a lot better if I could get more sleep... I can really appreciate how difficult it is to have 4 children under the age of 8 years old now that my older kids are not home. This is my first day on my own with all of them. Now the baby is crying, so I can't finish this post. I love all of them, but I'm having trouble coping with the craziness. If you think about it, please pray for me. I don't like this right now. I will say it again--if I had more sleep I'm sure it would be better. I am thankful to God for my beautiful children. Okay, now I'll say it 50 times. (Who cares about the mess all over the house, right?!?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and the children and your housework. No one cares about the mess all over the house as long as it isn't bad enough to call Family Services or you lose one of the children!!!! RELAX and attempt to enjoy this season of your life, it will eventually pass. Your little ones will only be little for awhile, you will have a house to clean long after they're gone.