Thursday, September 11, 2008


Here is a picture of Joshua and I at a recent play date with the Spring Peas baby group we participate in (when we can!). There were some really cute babies there today. Babies are so fun! Joshua is now 1 week shy of 5 months old. He rolls both ways and is grabbing his feet. He babbles and smiles wonderfully. The past 3 nights he has slept 11 hours!!! Weird, but I'm not complaining.

Tonight we went to Jamie's 2nd JV football game. He got to play and was put in 4 times in the 4th quarter. He has been practicing hard and despite some ankle and knee discomfort, he is pushing forward. I am proud of all of the hard work he's been doing. We need to feed that kid so that he bulks up! Here he is in the middle...
Jamie JV Football NHS

1 comment:

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for stopping by my bloggy home. :-)
I love the pic of you and your little one. That is just too precious! Glad to "meet" a fellow momys!