Friday, December 18, 2009


I have been mostly home bound due to my HUGE belly issues--see Kara Faith's blog for updates on how my pregnancy is going and such. BUT life still goes on. Jamie is leaving tomorrow for St. Louis for a visit for a couple weeks. I (and we) will miss him during this Christmas holiday and I pray Kara doesn't come while he's gone. Celeste has been busy working a lot and trying to save as she is moving out in January. I can't believe I'm old enough to have a child who can move out! I will miss her and she better come visit her mom...hint, hint.

The other kids have been pretty bored with being housebound. I'm going to try to bake some cookies with them this coming week and do some things around home that will be fun. Pray for energy for me. It's really hard for me to stand too long, so that makes things limiting. I hope your family is having a wonderful Christmas season!

1 comment:

Los Peña said...

Nancy, you and your family are such a great inspiration to me and my family!!!