Friday, July 13, 2007

Of course, life is very busy and time gets away from me. The good news, for me anyway, is that my big kids will be home in 3 weeks! I can make it that long, I suppose! And there's no bad news. Well, other than I exposed my children to chicken pox yesterday. Yes, on purpose. It's so much better to get it young and have a natural immunity. We'll deal with it if it happens. I had them when I was about 9. Weird thing, we were on a family vacation when I came down with them and neither of my 2 brothers got them. And we rode in the car from FL to Iowa together. You never know, do you? Well, we're off to visit my parents for the weekend. My boys are hoping to make it to the beach. I'll try to post pics when we get back. TTFN!

1 comment:

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Share some of those chicken pox with us if you get them!