Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I'm 17 weeks today, yea!! I have grown a bit over the past few days, so I'm feeling achey. My right hip is noticing it, too! In other news, Celeste and Jamie will be blueberry picking this morning for a friend of mine. Currently it's for money, but in a couple weeks we can go pick for ourselves. Yummy!! It's better to pick in the morning before it gets too hot.

Dan finished his spelling, handwriting, and will be done with his phonics this week. That just leaves math. He's excited! Jamie finished his entire Saxon Math book last week!! ALL 120 lessons and investigations and the tests. I was so proud of him. He's ready for Pre-Algebra--he's so smart it'll be a breeze. Celeste is working hard on her biology, ancient history, etc. She finishes her logic course this week and her English. She has some papers to write and math will be a challenge to finish before she leaves for the summer. She has a FULL LOAD planned for next year.

As I was typing this earlier Tommy threw up on the kid's card game. He has since done it two more times. He must have picked up something in the toddler room at church on Sunday. I am SO MAD!!! He is the one that can't afford to be sick again so soon. Please pray for him!!! I hope no one else gets it. We've had too much of this!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear the stomach flu is going around. I will pray for health for all of you guys. Nice to see you this weekend at the Homeschool fair
