Saturday, April 26, 2008


Baby Joshua 5 days old

Hi all! I know I have been absent this week! It's been a busy week and I'm doing rather well, but still having pain and I am tired. I have a prayer request for Joshua. He is a very lazy nurser and, subsequently, he isn't gaining weight. Yesterday (Friday) I went to see the lactation specialist and he was at his discharge weight of 7 lbs., 10 oz. A pound down (still) from birth weight. Please pray that he would wake up and nurse better. Also, that I don't lose my supply. I am pumping some and we are supplementing him after nursing, but all we can do is our best! I am trying not to be discouraged.


Unknown said...

I will pray for you Nancy. I just had a hysterectomy through my abdomen and I can't imagine also having to care for a newborn! Bless your heart! I have more compassion for mommies who have to have c-sections. I had no idea the pain that you go through. I will pray for baby Joshua too that he will nurse well. He is so precious! Congratulations!

Shannon said...

Congratulations on your new little blessing!!! I'm so happy for you and he's just precious.

Don't get discouraged with the nursing...keep with it- I'll pray for you!