Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm still alive over here--buried under several children, but still kicking! Since the big kids returned I have been here, there, and everywhere. I really forgot how much they drive our schedule. The school year gets kicked off next week with Jamie starting at the local high school. Orientation tomorrow night--I'm a nervous mama, but praying I'm overreacting to the whole transition. Celeste begins at the college the following week. She's excited about her senior year and I am, too. We're going to Sarasota for the weekend--Celeste, Karyn (Lest's best bud), and I. I'm going to be doing some planning for the home school year and the girls will hit the beach. Pray for good weather. I know it will be so weird to be without all the littles. Stu is even keeping the baby. That will be hard for me... I hope to post a few pics of our trip, so stay posted. We're staying with my parents and they're always fun!

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