Saturday, September 09, 2006

12 Days!

...until my induction. I'm starting to feel nervous about how it will go. I think this one will be faster than Tommy's labor. I believe she's smaller than he was. We have an ultrasound this Wednesday to check her size, so we'll have more info then. But hey, the good news is that I STILL have a little bellly button left! Never had one this late in the game...except for maybe during my first pregnancy. I have only gained 15 pounds so far and am hoping not to gain any more. The ladies at church are throwing me a shower in a few days and I'm excited to get to fellowship with them. It's always fun when we get together!

Home school is going very well this year so far. We've had some curriculum changes with 2 of the kids. Also, the jury is still out on FLVS Spanish I for Celeste. We have to decide by Sunday b/c that's the last day to drop. I'm thinking I should do some lesson planning this coming week so that after the baby comes things will run smoothly. I am awaiting some new books for Max. He may end up being my biggest challenge yet in the reading department, but I'm plugging away at it.

Please pray for my husband's business. We really need to have a closing before the end of November. We have a house (Misty Oaks) that REALLY needs to sell. I am praying for God's favor...although, I think we have it with the beautiful family he has given us. I think I should rather say I am praying for financial blessing during this time. He is Sovereign. I will leave you with a verse from my son, Jamie: "Do everything without grumbling or complaining..." Phil. 2:14.

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