Friday, September 15, 2006

God's Favor

I will open this up by saying that I know that God is in control of my life and that His timing is perfect. He knows what I need even before I go to Him in prayer for it. At this time, I am experiencing some worry about being induced next week. When I saw one of the midwives on Wednesday I wasn't very "ready" to have this baby. So I called back and spoke with another one of the midwives--both of these are not JANE (who knows me very well). I will be going in earlier than planned next week to determine if things are favorable for my induction on Thursday. If they are not, then we'll have to wait. I am very concerned about having another huge baby and a bad tear (sorry if that's TMI!). I am praying for God's favor for next week and I'm praying for a smaller baby this time. I DO just want her to be healthy, of course. I'm just feeling a bit anxious right now. So please pray for God's favor for me at the end of this pregnancy. Pray that things would go well and I could have the baby next week. It's hard to arrange care for 5 kids at the spur of the moment. I'll be spending a bunch of extra time praying and reading my bible. I KNOW God is sovereign in my life. I'm probably borrowing tomorrow's trouble for nothing, but your prayers are coveted and will be a blessing to me! Thanks!

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