Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Just tired...

Well, I've been tired. The big dilemma is usually should I take a shower or take a nap. Needless to say, I usually choose the nap. The baby is nursing so frequently that it's hard to do anything else. It's a good thing I really can't do anything else, ha ha! Please pray that Eden would nurse efficiently and I would have an abundant milk supply. I'm having problems in the early morning hours. She wants to nurse all night and I get worn out and can't do it. I'm so tired by 5 Am with no sleep. The past two mornings Stu has given her a bottle so I can sleep. I hope this isn't train wrecking the breast feeding thing. Other than that, I can't lay down to sleep in our bed and I'm not a back sleeper, so I'm even more tired b/c my rest is not adequate. Please pray for that. I'm pretty much home alone with the kids. Stu is back to work on a 2/3 day schedule. The kids are stir crazy, too. That's us right now! Reality is so, well, REAL.


Stephanie said...

((Nancy)) Can you sleep sitting up in an arm chair? I did that some and that helped ... I'm a tummy sleeper and was always so ready for GOOD sleep after I wasn't pregnant. I dozed a lot in our lazy-boy chair. :)

Anonymous said...

(I got your blog from your MOMYS post)
CONGRATULATIONS on your little girl! Your whole family is beautiful. I hope you are healing well and quickly -- sorry for the c-section! May God give you strength and rest...
