Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I thought I lived in Florida...

You know, I thought I lived in Florida. Today the high is 45 degrees and the low is 16. Yes, you saw that right SIXTEEN! It's downright cold here. No worries, though, because it never lasts long. My 9 year old, Dan, loves to check on the weather. We found a wonderful site that has tons of weather information about every locale. Go to the Weather Underground. Once there you can mark favorites and keep track of the weather all over the country. It's fun!

Yesterday was one of those days I would rather forget. Try nearly 4 hours in doctors' offices and 1.5 hours in transit and 15 minutes home in between... All of this with 5-6 children. No, don't try it because I already have and it's the type of stuff that makes your brain explode. Enough said. Have a super Wednesday! This week it's my favorite day.

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