Sunday, January 14, 2007

Personal Penguin

I saw a really cute book at the book store the other night by Sandra Boynton. It's for children of ALL ages! I am going to get it to read to my two youngest. I love the message in it.

Now, lots of other penguins seem to be fine
in a universe of nothing but ice.
But if I could be yours, and you could be mine,
Our cozy little world would be twice as nice.
I want to be Your Personal Penguin.

Check it out here. Have a great Monday! I'm not schooling formally, but the older kids will do a couple assignments.


Eden said...

Hi Nancy! Thanx for stopping by the other day! I'll have to check this book out for Olyvia.
How are all of your little ones doing?
You asked me a while back if I read at night? No, I don't. I read during the day. I read whatever I'm in the mood to read to Olyvia. lol I don't read at night b/c my husband is home in the evenings and I like to spend that time with him.
C U later.

Anonymous said...

Sandra Boynton is DA BOMB. My girls loved her books when they were little!