Thursday, January 04, 2007

Starting out with a blessing...

Happy 2007! I've been usual. I have a praise report. Drum roll....Eden has slept through the night for the past FOUR (4) nights!!! She began on New Year's. What a present that is!! She goes 8 hours between feedings and the earliest she has gotten up is 6:30 AM. Woot! I think my brain is starting to kick into gear again. I am making lots of plans for 2007. I hope to post again soon, but just wanted to publicly thank GOD for my sweet little girl!

1 comment:

Eden said...

Awesome!! I'm glad your little one has slept through the night!

Yes, my name is Eden. My daughter's name is Olyvia. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Do you mind if I add you to my blog roll?

I'll be back to read more updates!!
