Friday, December 21, 2007


I think you will be interested in this topic even if you don't home educate your children. Do you believe the government has the right to tell you how to educate your children? There are so many choices out there today: public school, private school (Christian or otherwise), charter schools, online education, and home schooling. I am a member of a group called MOMYS (Mothers of Many Young Siblings). In the past through this group, I have personally been in contact with a nice mother and fellow homeschooler, Denise Mafi. Please read this article defining her plight as a home schooling parent in Utah. Note that she thought she was in compliance with Utah's laws regarding homeschool documentation.

I belong to Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). If you look at this map, you will see how the regulations differ from state to state regarding homeschooling. FL is considered a moderate regulation state. If you home educate I encourage you to join HSLDA. For a reasonable fee, they will represent you should you encounter problems relating to your choice to homeschool your children. I feel very strongly about not educating my children in the public schools. This is mostly for religious reasons, but I feel strongly about the state's agenda in the public schools as well. For the most part, it is a liberal environment that is hostile to Christians. Not for me and not for my kids! Unfortunately, when my children hit the college level they will be attending state schools. At the point that they do, I believe their Christian beliefs are solid and they will be able to refute any liberal bias that is thrown at them. And I will pray, pray, and pray some more.

As always, my advice is to be informed. Arm yourself with information and make your own decisions. Don't let the government do it for you.

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