Thursday, December 15, 2005

Prayer Requests

Hello! Yes, I know it's been about a week since I posted. We have been unbelievably busy with the children going to events this week. We had a caregroup Christmas party, we watched our friend's 20 month old (they were in labor with their 2nd child), Jamie went to a boy scout holiday party, the older kids had a church youth Christmas party, we went to my brother's to open gifts with the olders and ride the horse, and we've had friends over galore! Meanwhile, I've been busy Christmas shopping and running errands with the children. Jamie and Celeste leave tomorrow morning at 3:30 AM to catch a flight to St. Louis. In addition, we have our church Christmas party on Sunday evening, yea! Please pray for the following:

--Stu's safe travel as he takes Jamie and Celeste to Orlando tomorrow
--the Beck's new baby boy, Caleb, and his mommy's quick recovery from C-section
--my mother is currently living in a hospital and needs a place to live (special circumstances)
--Stu's mom, Sara, recovering from surgery at Thanksgivingtime
--healing for my friend, Charity, who hurt her neck and back in a car accident last week

Also, pray that we will take time to focus on the REAL meaning for this season...Jesus birth. Without this we would not have our salvation. Praise God for his many blessings!

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